Beauty -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sections (TOC) : ---------------------------------- * 1 18 Words; 106 Characters * 2 9 Words; 58 Characters * 3 32 Words; 190 Characters * 4 26 Words; 161 Characters * 5 74 Words; 424 Characters * 6 143 Words; 763 Characters * 7 93 Words; 520 Characters * 8 24 Words; 132 Characters Sections (Content) : ---------------------------------- * 1 The poets only saw; the poetry itself was already there before them, in the people and the woods. * 2 Privacy and quiet and clean air are scarce goods. * 3 Areas should be set aside for the true lover of natural beauty who is prepared to make his pilgrimage by boat and willing to explore islands, valleys, bays, and woodlands on foot... * 4 It is impossible to overestimate the value of wild mountains and mountain temples as places for people to grow in, recreation grounds for soul and body. * 5 So long as you are not actually ill, hungry, frightened or immured in a prison or a holiday camp, spring is still spring. The atom bombs are piling up in the factories, the police are prowling through the cities, the lies are streaming from the loudspeakers, but the earth is still going round the sun, and neither the dictators nor the bureaucrats, deeply as they disapprove of the process, are able to prevent it. * 6 All summer, and far into the autumn, perchance, you unconsciously went by the newspapers and the news, and now you find it was because the morning and the evening were full of news to you. Your walks were full of incidents. You attended, not to the affairs of Europe, but to your own affairs in Massachusetts fields. If you chance to live and move and have your being in that thin stratum in which the events that make the news transpire -- thinner than the paper on which it is printed -- then these things will fill the world for you; but if you soar above or dove below that plane, you cannot remember nor be reminded of them. Really to see the sun rise or go down every day, so to relate ourselves to a universal fact, would preserve us sane forever. * 7 But we would not disparage the importance of such calculations as we have described. They are truths in physics, because they are true in ethics. The moral powers no one would presume to calculate. Suppose we could compare the moral with the physical, and say how many horse-power the force of love, for instance, blowing on every square foot of a man's soul, would equal. No doubt we are well aware of this force; figures would not increase our respect for it; the sunshine is equal to but one ray of its heat. * 8 To the ordinary person, the temple is sacred and the field is not. This, too, is a dualism which runs counter to the truth. Events : ---------------------------------- Beauty -- Added : April 11, 2020 About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from :