Sections (TOC) :
• 1
35 Words; 246 Characters
• 2
21 Words; 119 Characters
• 3
66 Words; 409 Characters
• 4
49 Words; 291 Characters
• 5
66 Words; 356 Characters
Sections (Content) :
• 1
With this effect, luxury may serve to corrupt democratical states, by introducing a species of monarchical subordination, without that sense of high birth and hereditary honors which render the boundaries of rank fixed and determinate...
• 2
Give a Republican a million francs today, and you may be sure that tomorrow he will be a Republican no longer.
• 3
The dream of the French Revolution, that man was good enough to be emancipated from the bonds of association and government by the simple proclamation of Liberty, Fraternity, and Equality, was but the frenzied expression of what was called Freedom of Self-interest in a quieter but not less bloody revolution, if the mortality of the factories, the mines, and the tenements be charged to its account.
• 4
To the extent we succeed we shall be able to leave the balance of payments to look after itself and also, therefore, to formulate domestic policies by reference always to domestic requirements, not, as at present, by references to the gold reserves or to the mood of Zurich bankers.
• 5
At some point or another you have got to deal with the man who says "I should be no worse off under Hitler". But what answer can you give him – that is, what answer that you can expect him to listen to – while common soldiers risk their lives for two and sixpence a day, and fat women ride about in Rolls-Royce cars, nursing pekineses?
Chronology :
April 11, 2020 : Democracy -- Added.
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