The Market

Sections (TOC) :

• 1
      124 Words; 707 Characters

• 2
      11 Words; 95 Characters

• 3
      149 Words; 829 Characters

• 4
      16 Words; 93 Characters

• 5
      59 Words; 347 Characters

• 6
      25 Words; 144 Characters

Sections (Content) :

• 1

The fact that in order to have success it is not sufficient to have the skill and equipment for performing a given task but that one must be able to "put across" one's personality in competition with many others shapes the attitude toward oneself. If it were enough for the purpose of making a living to rely on what one knows and what one can do, one's self-esteem would be in proportion to one's capacities, that is, to one's use value; but since success depends largely on how one sells one's personality, one experiences oneself as a commodity or rather simultaneously as the seller and the commodity to be sold. A person is not concerned with his life and happiness, but with becoming salable.

• 2

...buying off discontented workers with material rewards is not indefinitely possible.

• 3

A miser, says he, being dead, and fairly interred, came to the banks of the Styx, desiring to be ferried over along with the other ghosts. Charon demands his fare, and is surprized to see the miser, rather than pay it, throw himself into the river, and swim over to the other side, notwithstanding all the clamor and opposition that could be made to him. All hell was in an uproar; and each of the judges was meditating some punishment, suitable to a crime of such dangerous consequence to the infernal revenues. Shall he be chained to the rock with Prometheus? Or tremble below the precipice in company with the Danaides? Or assist Sisyphus in rolling his stone? No, says Minos, none of these. We must invent some severer punishment. Let him be sent back to the earth, to see the use his heirs are making of his riches.

• 4

The freedom of the markets has gone, but the everlasting will to be free never goes.

• 5

To the community a worn-out worker is an economic loss. So is the man who, by wearing out the community's workers, underbids his competitors and drags down the whole standard of trade conditions. To leave them to the laissez-faire method is to follow a course well-tried with never an instance of success. We are ready for a wiser method.

• 6

The spread of the market has torn men up by their roots, and shaken them loose from the social relationships into which they were born.

Chronology :

April 11, 2020 : The Market -- Added.

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