Sections (TOC) :
• 1
9 Words; 59 Characters
• 2
59 Words; 317 Characters
• 3
94 Words; 541 Characters
• 4
30 Words; 181 Characters
• 5
57 Words; 346 Characters
Sections (Content) :
• 1
You cannot afford to be contented with your lot...
• 2
Oh, Mister Philosopher, poverty is a terrible thing. I see her crouching there, with her mouth gaping open to receive a few drops of icy cold water dripping from the barrel of the Danaids. I don't know if she sharpens the mind of the philosopher, but she has a devilish way of cooling off the head of a poet.
• 3 under a high death-rate in tenement houses, in full view of the unoccupied prairies, with wife and children forced to work to get enough food for the family, is not life; working ten to twelve hours a day, when the citizen wants to work but eight, signing ironclad contracts because he is hungry, and going without justice because justice is too dear for the poor, is not liberty; and getting a taste of concert music, and protection against accident, poverty, and old age only by the charity of the rich is not happiness.
• 4
The patience of the downtrodden and the dispossessed has lasted long enough. They want to live, they want to enjoy, they want their share of all the happiness and sunshine.
• 5
The state of civilization that has prevailed throughout Europe, is as unjust in its principle, as it is horrid in its effects; and it is the consciousness of this, and the apprehension that such a state cannot continue when once investigation begins in any country, that makes the possessors of property dread every idea of a revolution.
Chronology :
April 11, 2020 : Happiness -- Added.
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