Freedom -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sections (TOC) : ---------------------------------- * 1 36 Words; 249 Characters * 2 38 Words; 249 Characters * 3 20 Words; 149 Characters * 4 107 Words; 629 Characters * 5 43 Words; 266 Characters * 6 12 Words; 83 Characters Sections (Content) : ---------------------------------- * 1 The Socialist Conscience is the most revolutionary force that can be given to a human creature. It is the result of all methodical and reflective opposition against the forms of political, economical, religious, and intellectual oppression. * 2 ...all institutions or forms of social organization that have been tried until this day, Communism is the one which guarantees the greatest amount of individual liberty - provided that the idea that begets the community be Liberty, Anarchy. * 3 [...we are] convinced that freedom without Socialism is privilege and injustice and that Socialism without freedom is slavery and brutality. * 4 I believe — it may be no more than a pious hope — that though a collectivized economy is bound to come, those countries will know how to evolve a form of Socialism which is not totalitarian, in which freedom of thought can survive the disappearance of economic individualism. That, at any rate, is the only hope to which anyone who cares for literature can cling. Whoever feels the value of literature, whoever sees the central part it plays in the development of human history, must also see the life and death necessity of resisting totalitarianism, whether it is imposed on us from without or from within. * 5 ...a return to small-ownership, which is obviously not going to happen and in fact cannot happen. There is little question now of averting a collectivist society. The only question is whether it is to be founded on willing cooperation or on the machine-gun. * 6 ...bread without liberty is tyranny and liberty without bread is a deceit. Events : ---------------------------------- Freedom -- Added : April 11, 2020 About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from :