Sections (TOC) :
• 1
116 Words; 657 Characters
• 2
28 Words; 194 Characters
• 3
11 Words; 61 Characters
• 4
101 Words; 589 Characters
• 5
83 Words; 473 Characters
• 6
25 Words; 142 Characters
Sections (Content) :
• 1
Socialism is justice. When we speak of justice, we understand thereby not the justice contained in the Codes and in Roman jurisprudence -- which were based to a great extent upon facts of violence achieved by force, violence consecrated by time and by the benedictions of some church or other (Christian or pagan), and as such accepted as absolute principles, from which all law is to be deduced by a process of logical reasoning -- no, we speak of that justice which is based solely upon human conscience, the justice to be found in the consciousness of every man -- even in that of children -- and which can be expressed in a single word: equity.
• 2
...justice urges us to take upon ourselves the defense of the interests of the terribly maltreated people and demand their economic and social emancipation along with political freedom.
• 3
...the Commune is said to be dead, but it dies hard.
• 4
[...we are] convinced that the serious realization of liberty, justice, and peace will be impossible so long as the majority of the population remains dispossessed of elementary needs, so long as it is deprived of education and is condemned to political and social insignificance and slavery -- in fact if not by law -- by poverty as well as by the necessity of working without rest or leisure, producing all the wealth upon which the world now prides itself, and receiving in return only such a small pan thereof that it hardly suffices to assure its livelihood for the next day.
• 5
In all circumstances, it is the duty of the Socialists, and especially of the Anarchists, to do everything that can weaken the State and the capitalist class, and to take as the only guide to their conduct the interest of Socialism; or, if they are materially powerless to act efficaciously for their own cause, at least to refuse any voluntary help to the cause of the enemy, and stand aside to save at least their principles—which means to save the future.
• 6
Do not be afraid of shortages, only be afraid of unfairness; do not be afraid of poverty, only be afraid that the people are unhappy.
Chronology :
April 11, 2020 : Justice -- Added.
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