Sections (TOC) :
• 1
66 Words; 383 Characters
• 2
27 Words; 173 Characters
• 3
72 Words; 364 Characters
• 4
65 Words; 414 Characters
• 5
39 Words; 280 Characters
• 6
27 Words; 166 Characters
Sections (Content) :
• 1
I eagerly sought his [Karl Marx's] conversation, which was always instructive and witty when it was not inspired by petty hate, which alas! was only too often the case. There was never any frank intimacy between us -- our temperaments did not permit it. He called me a sentimental idealist, and he was right; I called him vain, perfidious, and cunning, and I also was right.
• 2
...each bourgeois politic -- no matter how red and revolutionary it might appear -- served not the emancipation of the workers, but the tightening of their slavery.
• 3
I do not think that I am mistaken when I say that the only way to rekindle the enthusiasm of the workers in every land for your struggle and your aims is to unmask the lying face of Stalin and his followers and to let the world see it in all its hideous nakedness. Whether you agree with it or not, it's being done by many people outside of our own ranks.
• 4
...should the laborers, who have hitherto shown themselves confiding and submissive -- losing that reverence by which laws are invested with power, and to which Government is indebted for its existence -- turn their attention from combining for higher wages, to amending the state, and to subverting a system which they must now believe is intended only to support all the oppressive exactions of capital.
• 5
...capitalism will not be destroyed until the workers, having rid themselves of government, take possession of all social wealth and themselves organize production and consumption in the interests of everybody without waiting for the initiative to come from government...
• 6
Does a police officer who has a vague notion that "Socialism" means something against the law carry on just the same when the government itself is Socialist?
Chronology :
April 11, 2020 : The State -- Added.
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