Compromise with Capitalism

Sections (TOC) :

    * 1
        30 Words; 210 Characters

    * 2
        37 Words; 229 Characters

    * 3
        75 Words; 492 Characters

    * 4
        37 Words; 236 Characters

    * 6
        123 Words; 700 Characters

    * 7
        23 Words; 162 Characters

    * 8
        43 Words; 336 Characters

    * 9
        20 Words; 154 Characters

    * 10
        15 Words; 106 Characters

    * 11
        34 Words; 249 Characters

    * 12
        134 Words; 826 Characters

    * 13
        14 Words; 107 Characters

    * 14
        22 Words; 165 Characters

    * 15
        25 Words; 160 Characters

    * 16
        100 Words; 595 Characters

    * 17
        94 Words; 512 Characters

    * 18
        29 Words; 165 Characters

Sections (Content) :

* 1

[Anonymous editor] ...a communist project seeking to destroy the old world, prevent the advent of capitalism and build a new, alternative future was itself transformed into a mere developmental regime.

* 2

[Anonymous Mayday Leaflet] ...there's the Labor Party, who advocate the gradual approach to social change (really good value if you plan to live for ever), and spend a lot of their time propping up the capitalist system.

* 3

But the "triumph"... exposes the true character of the Communist dictatorship. The Communists proved themselves willing to sacrifice Communism, to make almost any compromise with international capitalism, yet refused the just demands of their own people -- demands that voiced the October slogans of the Bolsheviki themselves: Soviets elected by direct and secret ballot, according to the Constitution of the R.S.F.S.R.; and freedom of speech and press for the revolutionary parties.

* 4

All the schemes for state intervention to help the victims of capitalist exploitation are obviously based upon its retention. Instead of doing away with injustice, the aim is to make it more bearable and therefore more durable.

* 6

That is just the frightfulness of the situation. One wants to go with the Left, naturally. One has stood on the Left all one's life, but what if the Left is going more and more to the Right, denying its birthright, willing to barter it away to the highest bidder? What if the Left is now more concerned in getting the goodwill of all the reactionary governments in the world rather than the support of international labor? It is indeed a spectacle for the gods to see the Soviet government clamor for sanctions, or being linked with the warring parties! Is that not a greater betrayal of the struggle for freedom and emancipation of the oppressed than anything the reactionary forces can do?

* 7

Dictatorship of the proletariat? Dictatorship of those who have taken the proletariat for a long-suffering mule upon which they can ride with confidence.

* 8

So, marxist "socialism" promised (but failed to deliver) equal positive freedom, while brutally suppressing the "negative" freedoms (freedom from restraint/coercion); and capitalism has delivered only severly restricted negative freedom. And it does not even contemplate equal positive freedom.

Humankind can do better.

* 9

...capitalism and state socialism: the one offers individuals and groups liberty without equality; and the other offers equality without liberty.

* 10

...more and more of the capitalist class realize that latter-day Communism is playing their game.

* 11

Left governments almost invariably disappoint their supporters because, even when the prosperity which they have promised is achievable, there is always need of an uncomfortable transition period about which little has been said beforehand.

* 12

The real political power and even the parliamentary majority remain in the hands of the capitalist class. Socialist ministers have to represent the interests of the present capitalist society, i.e., of the capitalist class. They can attempt to initiate measures for the immediate interests of the workers and try to induce the capitalist parties to acquiesce. They become middlemen, mediators pleading with the capitalist class to consent to small reforms in the interests of the workers, and then try to convince the workers that these are important reforms that they should accept. And then the Socialist Party, as an instrument in the hands of these leaders, has to support them and also, instead of calling upon the workers to fight for their interests, seeks to pacify them, deflect them from the class struggle.

* 13 relation to the proletarian revolution, a "revolutionary party" is a contradiction in terms.

* 14

Capitalist reconstruction implies more rapid accumulation of capital, more strenuous increase of profits, depression of the standard of life of the workers.

* 15

...the institutions of religion and politics are captured by an individual or a class and turned against the group which they were designed to benefit.

* 16

Even in the eight years of Kennedy Johnson, the regulators often seemed to serve the special interests they are in business to oversee rather than those of the consumer they exist to protect. The best indirect evidence of this is the careers of the regulators, who serve a short hitch in the public service and then take fat jobs in the private sector, usually with companies they have regulated. It goes without saying that tough regulatory agency men make more enemies than friends if they do their job well (a Transportation Secretary should be an unwelcome president of a railroad).

* 17

It is quite senseless to wait for the emancipation of the land to be achieved in the manner proposed by the socialists, that is, to be prepared to give up the conditions of a good life for the very worst in expectation of the sweet by and by.

Every rational man sees that this method not only does not emancipate, but more and more makes the working men the slaves of their masters, and prepares them for slavery in the future in relation to those managers who will have charge of the new order.

* 18

We should be the most quiet of parties and would surely commit voluntary suicide if we sought to put ourselves in the place of the capitalists at this time.

Events :

     Compromise with Capitalism -- Added : April 11, 2020

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