Party Politics

Sections (TOC) :

• 1
      23 Words; 132 Characters

• 2
      44 Words; 264 Characters

• 3
      9 Words; 81 Characters

• 4
      23 Words; 149 Characters

• 5
      73 Words; 409 Characters

• 6
      29 Words; 173 Characters

• 7
      28 Words; 152 Characters

• 8
      28 Words; 184 Characters

• 9
      49 Words; 281 Characters

• 10
      29 Words; 169 Characters

• 11
      33 Words; 181 Characters

• 12
      35 Words; 200 Characters

• 13
      7 Words; 65 Characters

• 14
      16 Words; 109 Characters

Sections (Content) :

• 1

...a party concerned only with the welfare of "The Party" and its conquest of power can only do harm to the workers' cause.

• 2

Party lines may coincide with the class struggle but they have nothing to do with it.

Ideologies originate from common sets of economic or social principles. The use of them for the conquest of power is part of a struggle between rulers and ruled.

• 3

...the importance of politics [is] the Communists' cardinal advantage...

• 4

The state has failed everywhere, and no party can resolve the social problem. The parties are nothing more than diverse forms of capitalism.

• 5

...regarding the Soviet regime and the activities of the C.P. [Communist Party] in America. The trouble with most of these good people is that they have emancipated themselves from one superstition and are again in the throes of another. They are now blaming everything on Stalin, as if he had come to the fore out of nothing, as if he were not merely the dispenser of the legacy left him by Lenin...

• 6

The average Communist is like the average Catholic. You might give him facts a thousand times over. He will still believe that his Communist church can do no wrong.

• 7

"Soviet" power is a power no better and no worse than any other. Currently, it is every bit as wobbly and absurd as any State power in general.

• 8 both imposed and indigenous revolutions, the result was not a dictatorship by the formerly oppressed majority. It was a dictatorship of the party over the whole society.

• 9

...the primary cause of the regimes' collapse did not come from without. It came from a loss of faith among the communists themselves that the institution that had once ruled broad swaths of the globe was viable. The party was not defeated; it lost the will to stay alive.

• 10 belief in the party constitutes the most powerful check on the working class' capacity for action. That is why we are not trying to create a new party.

• 11

...when one has always regarded the class war as a party war and a war between parties, it is very difficult to adopt the exclusive viewpoint of class and of the class war.

• 12

The organization of communists in the front line of the revolution must not be the usual sort of party, on pain of death, on pain of following the course of the KPD [Communist Workers Party].

• 13

...political superiority, which is our basic strength...

• 14

They [Communist Party officials] had wanted power and popularity but found they could not have both.

Chronology :

April 11, 2020 : Party Politics -- Added.

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