State Capitalism

Sections (TOC) :

• 1
      90 Words; 563 Characters

• 2
      231 Words; 1,533 Characters

• 3
      30 Words; 202 Characters

• 4
      21 Words; 118 Characters

• 5
      38 Words; 234 Characters

• 6
      58 Words; 379 Characters

• 7
      33 Words; 185 Characters

• 8
      29 Words; 179 Characters

• 9
      89 Words; 553 Characters

• 10
      24 Words; 158 Characters

• 11
      58 Words; 414 Characters

• 12
      29 Words; 173 Characters

• 13
      18 Words; 149 Characters

• 14
      28 Words; 209 Characters

• 15
      16 Words; 141 Characters

Sections (Content) :

• 1

...the People's State so strongly commended by Marx, and the aristocratic-monarchic State, maintained with as much cleverness as power by Bismarck, are completely identical by the nature of their objective at home as well as in foreign affairs. In foreign affairs it is the same deployment of military force, that is to say, conquest; and in home affairs it is the same employment of this armed force, the last argument of all threatened political powers against the masses, who, tired of believing, hoping, submitting and obeying always, rise in revolt.

• 2

The masses, without distinction of degree of culture, religious beliefs, country and speech, had understood the language of the International when it spoke to them of their poverty, their sufferings and their slavery under the yoke of Capitalism and exploiting private ownership; they understood it when it demonstrated to them the necessity of uniting their efforts in a great solid, common struggle. But here they were being talked to about a very learned and above all very authoritarian political program, which, in the name of their own salvation, was attempting, in that very International which was to organize their emancipation by their own efforts, to impose on them a dictatorial government, provisional, no doubt, but, meanwhile, completely arbitrary and directed by a head extraordinarily filled with brains.

Marx's program is a complete fabric of political and economic institutions strongly centralized and very authoritarian, sanctioned, no doubt, like all despotic institutions in modern society, by universal suffrage, but subordinate nevertheless to a very strong government; to use the very words of Engels, the alter ego of Marx, the confidant of the legislator....

A universal State, government, dictatorship! The dream of Popes Gregory VII and Boniface VIII, of the Emperor Charles V, and of Napoleon, reproducing itself under new forms, but always with the same pretensions in the camp of Socialist Democracy! Can one imagine anything more burlesque, but also anything more revolting?

• 3

...the Council Communists grew up. They had learned that the Russian Revolution was nothing more than a bourgeois revolution and that the Russian economy was nothing more than state capitalism.

• 4

...the best way to honor Chairman Mao's memory was to see his face on as many hundred yuan notes as possible.

• 5

...the political State of capitalism has no place under Socialism; therefore, measures which aim to place industries in the hands of, or under the control of, such a political State are in no sense steps towards that ideal...

• 6

The [Nazi] German and [Fascist] Italian economies provide evidence of the fact that such control, once initiated in a totalitarian state, spreads rapidly and tends to become all-embracing as was the case in Russia from the very beginning. Despite great differences in their points of departure, the economic system of totalitarian states are drawing close to each other.

• 7

The rebel, the iconoclast, the naysayer, and the critic of the political system have no easier time now than in the days of the czar. The distance to Siberia is still the same.

• 8

The Generals of Communism see clearly that it is the people who have risen, the people who have become convinced that the Communists have betrayed the ideas of Socialism.

• 9

It shall soon be eight years since the blood of anarchists began to flow because of their refusal to servilely bow before the violence or effrontery of those who have seized power, nor before their famously lying ideology and their utter irresponsibility.

In that criminal act, an act that cannot be described as other than a bloodlust of the Bolshevik gods, the finest offspring of the revolution have perished because they were the most loyal exponents of revolutionary ideals and because they could not be bribed into betraying them.

• 10

The Kingdom of Heaven, old style, has definitely failed, but on the other hand "Marxist realism" has also failed, whatever it may achieve materially.

• 11

The workers of the world nowadays have two mighty foes, two hostile and suppressing powers over against them: the monopolistic capitalism of America and England, and Russian state capitalism. The former is drifting toward social dictatorship camouflaged in democratic forms; the latter proclaims dictatorship openly, formerly with the addition "of the proletariat," although nobody believes that any more.

• 12

Do not their leaders deprive the rich of their estates and distribute them among the people; at the same time taking care to reserve the larger part for themselves?

• 13

[Vietnamese Socialist Constitution] Article 79: Socialist property is sacred and inviolable. Citizens are obliged to respect and protect it.

• 14

[Vietnamese Socialist Constitution] The Council of Ministers has the following duties and powers.... 10. To take measures to protect socialist property, and protect the interests of the state society.

• 15

[Vietnamese Socialist Constitution] The People's Councils have the following duties and powers.... 6. To protect socialist property.

Chronology :

April 11, 2020 : State Capitalism -- Added.

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