
Sections (TOC) :

• 1
      66 Words; 366 Characters

• 2
      88 Words; 522 Characters

• 3
      18 Words; 123 Characters

• 4
      142 Words; 809 Characters

• 5
      13 Words; 100 Characters

Sections (Content) :

• 1

It is not civilized that a man should feel bound at all costs and in spite of bad treatment to stick to the job he has, because he has no chance of ever finding another. It is not democratic that a man should feel bound to suppress criticisms and comments on matters that concern him and his work-mates, for fear of being punished with lasting unemployment.

• 2

In order that the taking possession of social wealth should become an accomplished fact it is necessary that the people should have their hands free, that they should shake off slavery to which they are too much habituated, that they act according to their own will, and march forward without waiting for orders from anyone. And it is this very thing which a dictatorship would prevent how well intentioned it might be, while it would be incapable of advancing in the slightest degree the march of the revolution.

• 3

The natural foe of professionalism in private life is commercialism. Its natural foe in public life is politics...

• 4

When the peasant and the worker hears about socialism, he feels that he will be working as a brother with other human beings in the fields or in the factories with no one there above his head, without being grumpy or caring whether one works two hours or two hours and a half. He does not tolerate being lectured about state or authority which will supervise and direct him; he understands that when he will feel hunger he shall eat without having to ask for anybody's permission; when he will feel like working he shall go out and work without having anybody above him. He grasps very well that the world will consist of associations, big unions with mutual help and freedom and happiness; he understands that the merchants are parasites, flaneurs and that they will not exist in the future society.

• 5

...even small increments of autonomy at the shop floor level have significant consequences.

Chronology :

April 11, 2020 : Autonomy -- Added.

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