Civilization -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sections (TOC) : ---------------------------------- * 1 30 Words; 197 Characters * 2 42 Words; 257 Characters * 3 18 Words; 130 Characters * 4 38 Words; 251 Characters * 5 71 Words; 423 Characters * 6 12 Words; 101 Characters * 7 19 Words; 114 Characters * 8 154 Words; 856 Characters Sections (Content) : ---------------------------------- * 1 For it was only by free and intelligent labor that man, overcoming his own bestiality, attained his humanity and sense of justice, changed his environment, and created the civilized world. * 2 The labor movement is the child of slavery—the offspring of oppression—in revolt against the misery and suffering that gave it birth. Its splendid growth is the marvel of our time, the forerunner of freedom, the hope of mankind. * 3 Industrial conflict is still industrial conflict even when the battle is waged on the political and communications front. * 4 The mass strike is the first natural, impulsive form of every great revolutionary struggle of the proletariat and the more highly developed the antagonism is between capital and labor, the more effective and decisive must mass strikes become. * 5 The freedom of the workers, their raising from a millennium of suppression, under which they moan, is therefore equal to the freedom and sophistication of all mankind. It is therefore this movement that can be greeted as one of the most hopeful, and gratifying phenomenon, history will ever carve into its papers. In what way this, as we would hope peaceful revolution will be carried out, only future can tell us. * 6 ...the lower class's eruption into history always pushes events in unanticipated directions. * 7 ...labor is the technical term used for human beings, in so far as they are not employers but employed... * 8 The misery of the savage hunter, who dies so frequently of hunger, is not equal to that of millions of families, whom a manufacturer sometimes dismisses; because at least there remains to the former, all the energy, and all the intelligence, which he has put to proof during all his life. When he dies for want of finding game, he yields to a necessity which nature herself presents, and to which he knew, from the beginning, he must submit, as to sickness, or to old age. But the artisan, dismissed from his workshop, with his wife and children, has beforehand lost the strength of his soul and his body; he is still surrounded with riches; he still sees beside him, at every step, the food which he requires; and if society refuses him the labor by which he offers, till his last moment, to purchase bread, it is men, not nature, that he blames. Events : ---------------------------------- Civilization -- Added : April 11, 2020 About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from :