
Sections (TOC) :

• 1
      19 Words; 111 Characters

• 2
      75 Words; 422 Characters

• 3
      45 Words; 250 Characters

• 4
      69 Words; 413 Characters

• 5
      37 Words; 235 Characters

• 6
      71 Words; 417 Characters

• 7
      45 Words; 245 Characters

• 8
      12 Words; 86 Characters

• 9
      25 Words; 129 Characters

• 10
      57 Words; 364 Characters

• 11
      53 Words; 344 Characters

• 12
      27 Words; 181 Characters

• 13
      52 Words; 317 Characters

• 14
      33 Words; 211 Characters

• 15
      48 Words; 283 Characters

Sections (Content) :

• 1

...the property of all the people should be owned only by those who cultivate it with their own hands.

• 2

We have declared war upon the capitalist class, and upon the capitalist system. We are of the working class. We say: Arouse, you workingmen! It is in your power to put an end to this system. It is your duty to build up this great revolutionary economic organization of your class, to seize and take control of the tools with which you work, and make yourselves the masters instead of being the slaves of industry.

• 3

I was to be baptized in Socialism in the roar of conflict and I thank the gods for reserving to this fitful occasion the fiat, 'Let there be light!'—the light that streams in steady radiance upon the broadway to the Socialist republic.

• 4

...the production of wealth, in the evolution of industry, from being an individual act a half century ago has become a social act. The tool, from being an individual tool, has become a social instrument. So that the tool has been socialized and production has also been socialized. But the evolution is yet to complete its work. This social tool, made socially and used socially, must be socially owned.

• 5

...[the] Union was defeated but not conquered -- overwhelmed but not destroyed. It lives and pulsates in the Socialist movement, and its defeat but blazed the way to economic freedom and hastened the dawn of human brotherhood.

• 6

The harvest is ripe. We must collect the grain! And it will be for everyone. There will be no privileges in its distribution. Neither Azaña nor Caballero nor Durruti will have a right to more when it's shared out. The harvest belongs to everyone, to all those working steadfastly and sincerely with their full intelligence, will, and strength in order to prevent the harvest from being stolen from us.

• 7

...I have been missent to this earth, where all the seats were already taken, — yet I feel called upon in behalf of rational nature, which I represent, to declare to you my opinion, that, if the Earth is yours, so also is it mine.

• 8

Socialists, no matter how critical of unions, want to remain their partisans.

• 9

...the time must come when they who do the work -- they who make the money -- will insist on having some of the profits.

• 10

...the workers have made up their minds that the coming revolution will introduce anarchist communism and the free reorganization of production. These two points seem settled and in these respects the communes of the next revolution will not repeat the errors of their forerunners, who so generously shed their blood to clear the path for future progress.

• 11

We communists believe that the working class is a unit, and in organization ought to be a unity; in other words, that in industrial affairs there should be One Union, inclusive of all workers, subdivided according to industry for economic purposes, and resubdivided again for technical or craft purposes since craft crosses industries.

• 12

...abolish all private property and make the land and all it contains, together with all the implements of production, common property -- that is, to introduce Communism...

• 13

From this General Workers Union the communist movement will emerge, starting in the factories, then spreading itself over economic regions and finally over the entire country, i.e. a new communist "party" which is no longer a party, but which is, for the time communist! The heart and head of the revolution!

• 14

You know, Peter if you will haunt low places full of Russians and sucking Socialists taking themselves seriously, you ought to know better than to encourage them by running after them, however futile...

• 15

If men reach the point of losing respect for property, every one will have property, as all slaves become free men as soon as they no longer respect the master as master. Unions will then, in this matter too, multiply the individual's means and secure his assailed property.

Chronology :

April 14, 2020 : Socialism -- Added.

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