
Sections (TOC) :

• 1
      12 Words; 89 Characters

• 2
      49 Words; 256 Characters

• 3
      56 Words; 368 Characters

• 4
      60 Words; 372 Characters

• 5
      34 Words; 214 Characters

• 6
      39 Words; 229 Characters

• 7
      30 Words; 179 Characters

• 8
      57 Words; 346 Characters

• 9
      40 Words; 204 Characters

• 10
      11 Words; 72 Characters

• 11
      18 Words; 110 Characters

• 12
      70 Words; 405 Characters

• 13
      56 Words; 337 Characters

• 14
      26 Words; 155 Characters

• 15
      84 Words; 511 Characters

• 16
      32 Words; 239 Characters

• 17
      27 Words; 178 Characters

• 18
      64 Words; 327 Characters

• 19
      72 Words; 429 Characters

• 20
      48 Words; 227 Characters

• 21
      58 Words; 364 Characters

• 22
      14 Words; 110 Characters

• 23
      56 Words; 342 Characters

• 24
      64 Words; 357 Characters

• 25
      34 Words; 203 Characters

• 26
      15 Words; 105 Characters

• 27
      54 Words; 325 Characters

• 28
      198 Words; 1,152 Characters

• 29
      45 Words; 238 Characters

• 30
      16 Words; 111 Characters

• 31
      43 Words; 250 Characters

• 32
      103 Words; 600 Characters

Sections (Content) :

• 1

["Adán"] ...the strongest solidarity exists among those with very little.

• 2

[Worker's wife] ...I'd rather walk the streets with my bare feet in the snow, I'd rather beg from door to door, I'd rather go in rags with my stomach touchin' my back from now till hell freezes, than to live here in all your comfort and be a scab.

• 3

...solidarity manifests itself in the workers' world by a mutual, profound, and passionate sympathy, which, -- in a measure that economic factors and their political and social consequences keep on developing, factors telling more and more distressingly upon the workers of all trades -- grows and becomes ever more of an intense passion with the proletariat.

• 4

The worker will not arm himself in the name of personal suffering; he will arm himself because he feels the suffering of his old father, of his wife, of his children, of his comrades. He will protest against the continuation of misery, not only because it tortures the body, but because it oppresses the soul.

[Chapter 4: The June Insurrection, Page 159.]

• 5

When the laboring and producing classes shall strike for their pecuniary and class interests, they should realize that they are struggling for a policy of peace for America and for justice for all mankind.

• 6

For me the labor unions stand for this and more than this. In them I first learned the meaning of such dear words as fraternity, equality, and solidarity, and for the substance of these labor unions, I defiantly protest.

• 7

[Padre Casaldaliga, Spanish priest in the Amazon] Union among the small people is the strength of the small people. Don't let them divide you, don't let them buy you off.

• 8

For thirty years I have been connected with the labor movement. All of the years of my young manhood were devoted to the work of organizing my fellow-workingmen, that by the power of united effort they might do something to improve their condition as workers, promote their interests as citizens and advance their general welfare as men.

• 9

Remember that no matter who or what a worker may be, if he works for wages he is in precisely the same economic position that you are. He is in your class; he is your brother; he is your comrade.

• 10

The demand of the times is to harmonize and unify workingmen...

• 11

...infinitely greater than your loyalty to you craft is your loyalty to the working class as a whole.

• 12

We are united and we cannot be disunited. We cannot be stampeded. We know that we are confronted by ten thousand difficulties. We know that all the powers of capitalism are to be arrayed against us. But were these obstacles multiplied by a million, it would simply have the effect of multiplying our determination by a million, to overcome them all. And so we are organizing and appealing to you.

• 13

I have waited, and I now stand ready to take by the hand every man, every woman that comes here, totally regardless of past affiliations, whose purpose it is to organize the working class upon the economic field, to launch that economic organization that shall be the expression of the economic conditions as they exist today...

• 14

Industrial Unionism bids all workers rally to its standard. To all sons and daughters of toil who yearn for a better day we appeal for Solidarity.

• 15

The important thing is the real trend of the movement, which is indisputably as I have stated above, on the one hand constantly expanding organization, and on the other constantly increasing demands. The trade unions will not become anti-capitalistic through the conversion of their members to a certain point of view or by the adoption of certain preambles; they are that by their very makeup and methods. The most that can be done is to clarify their aims and intensify their efforts towards freedom.

• 16

In a very often vague fashion, sometimes giving it different names, the majority of those who know suffering, dictatorship, misfortune, despotism and poverty aspire to well-being, solidarity and understanding between human beings.

• 17

Remember that he [the worker] believes, not unplausibly, that he has won his present standard of living by generations of persistent struggle, and sticking by his mates.

• 18

...I know I owe my life to the workers of the nation, it is to the working class of the nation that I am under obligation, not to any subdivision of that class. That is why I am here now. That is why I am talking working-class solidarity, because I want to see the working class do for themselves what they did for me.

• 19

The worker cannot rise as a worker without joining in unity with other workers and helping all. This mutual dependence of worker upon worker, taught them by their everyday experiences in the shop, is the best and finest thing in modern life. It leads to brotherhood. It develops the mind of the worker. It raises him out of a state of individual selfishness and meanness and points to the goal of civilization-Socialism.

• 20

I tell you tonight there is more love in the homes of the poor than in the palaces of the rich. The meanest hut with love in it is a palace fit for the gods, and a palace without love is a den only fit for wild beasts.

• 21

The most important issue is whether the workers succeed in maintaining and expanding their few achievements against the charge of the unified reaction, or whether they will lose all their rights. This is a struggle in which every government will be against them, whatever their name. In this struggle, the working class depends always on its own strength.

• 22

...solidarity -- that immense power which increases man's energy and creative forces a hundredfold...

• 23

Every real, great class struggle must rest upon the support and cooperation of the widest masses, and a strategy of class struggle which does not reckon with this cooperation, which is based upon the idea of the finely stage-managed march out of the small, well-trained part of the proletariat is foredoomed to be a miserable fiasco.

• 24

If the present pressure on the capitalists is to be effective it must not be the pressure of a million miners but of at least ten million workers; in other words, it must be a full working-class pressure. To achieve this it is not necessary to have the machinery of industrial unionism: all that is required is the class spirit and unity of demand.

• 25

Workers will never be able to emancipate themselves so long as they do not find in union the moral, economic and physical strength that is needed to subdue the organized might of the oppressors.

• 26 could not hold down a subject empire with troops infected by notions of class-solidarity.

• 27

The workers must therefore unite, they must feel, that they are a particular estate with common interests, which they only together and united can raise. It is also the more clearer awareness of this, which have made so many worker’s associations, which our present worker’s movement has brought to life.

• 28

Extension of the strike, ever more widely, into, finally, a general strike, has often been advised as a means to avert defeat. But to be sure, this is not to be taken as a truly expedient pattern, accidentally hit upon, and ensuring victory. If such were the case, trade unions certainly would have made use of it repeatedly as regular tactics. It cannot be proclaimed at will by union leaders, as a simple tactical measure. It must come forth from the deepest feelings of the masses, as the expression of their spontaneous initiative, and this is aroused only when the issue of the fight is or grows larger than a simple wage contest of one group. Only then will the workers put all their force, their enthusiasm, their solidarity, their power of endurance into it....

A wave of solidarity has gone through the masses, they have felt the immense power of class unity, their self-confidence is raised, they have shaken off the narrow group egotism. Through their own deeds they have acquired new wisdom: what capitalism means and how they stand as a class against the capitalist class. They have seen a glimpse of their way to freedom.

• 29

I say to the wage class: Think clearly and act quickly, or you are lost. Strike not for a few cents more an hour, because the price of living will be raised faster still, but strike for all you earn, be content with nothing less.

• 30

Industrial organization is such a simple idea, that when all workers stick together we are invincible.

• 31

Speak up, Comrades: get your organizations to send delegates here at the next meeting and let us all together make such a noise that the workers of the country will awaken to the outrageous crime committed against them before it is too late.

• 32

It shall be to the honor of us all to fight against national prejudice and hatred, to oppose with the utmost energy armaments and war. It shall be our happiness to battle in the first ranks of the holy war for the emancipation of the workers by the workers themselves. It shall be our consolation that our children nourished in the Socialist faith, will finish the work we began and will triumph where we have fought. Capitalism is the social war of all against all. The class-war of the workers means the fraternity of the workers of all countries.

Socialism is International Peace!

Chronology :

April 14, 2020 : Solidarity -- Added.

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