The Market

Sections (TOC) :

• 1
      76 Words; 422 Characters

• 2
      238 Words; 1,324 Characters

• 3
      29 Words; 210 Characters

• 4
      61 Words; 367 Characters

• 5
      39 Words; 209 Characters

• 6
      74 Words; 454 Characters

Sections (Content) :

• 1

Money spent on drink does not give employment to the miner, but to the brewer; money spent on milk does not help to solve the problem of the unemployed engineer. It may be said that consumer' demand should be supreme, and that, if the consumer so ordains, the miner should become a brewer and the engineer a dairy farmer. While the argument can be accepted for the long run, it is impracticable for the short run.

• 2

The question should be put thus: Is competition a means of ASSURING work to the poor? To put a question of this kind, means to solve it. What does competition mean to workingmen? It is the distribution of work to the highest bidder. A contractor needs a laborer: three apply. "How much do you ask for your work?" "Three francs, I have a wife and children." "Good, and you?" "Two and a half francs, I have no children, but a wife." "So much the better, and you?" "Two francs will do for me; I am single." "You shall have the work." With this the affair is settled, the bargain is closed. What will become now of the other two proletarians? They will starve, it is to be hoped. But what if they become thieves? Never mind, why have we our police? Or murderers? Well, for them we have the gallows. And the fortunate one of the three; even his victory is only temporary. Let a fourth laborer appear, strong enough to fast one out of every two days; the desire to cut down the wages will be exerted to its fullest extent. A new pariah, perhaps a new recruit for the galleys....

Who would be blind enough not to see that under the reign of free competition the continuous decline of wages necessarily becomes a general law with no exception whatsoever?

["The Organization of Labor," by Louis Blanc, 1840.]

• 3

A systematic lowering of wages resulting in the elimination of a certain number of laborers is the inevitable effect of free competition....

["The Organization of Labor," by Louis Blanc, 1840.]

• 4

There are no longer ocean vastnesses. Human liberties and the rights of labor are subjected to the same destiny in the various parts of the world. Either they will be safeguarded or they will perish together. In order to save themselves, the working classes cannot afford to repeat the errors which have placed them, until now, in a condition of inferiority.

• 5 a wage worker in capitalist society you are not a man at all. You are simply a thing. And that thing is bought in the labor market, just as hair, hides and other forms of merchandise are bought.

• 6

In this barbarous competitive struggle in which we are engaged, the workers, the millions, are fighting each other to sell themselves into slavery; the middle class are fighting each other to other to get enough trade to keep soul and body together, and the professional class are fighting each other like savages for practice. And this is called civilization! What a mockery! What a sham! There is no real civilization in the capitalist system.

Chronology :

April 14, 2020 : The Market -- Added.

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