Humanity -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sections (TOC) : ---------------------------------- * 1 22 Words; 119 Characters * 2 38 Words; 221 Characters * 3 53 Words; 341 Characters * 4 21 Words; 112 Characters * 5 30 Words; 189 Characters Sections (Content) : ---------------------------------- * 1 The history of mankind is an immense sea of errors, in which a few obscure truths may here and there be found. * 2 ...a delicate sense of morals, especially when attended with a splenetic temper, is apt to give a man a disgust of the world, and to make him consider the common course of human affairs with too much indignation. * 3 should not be supposed from all the groaning shelves that China's history is therefore altogether unlike that of other nations. It is not. In China, too, empires rise and fall, personalities shine, progress is fitful, peace ephemeral, social justice elusive. The difference is one of degree, not kind, of scale, not character. * 4 ...I let this opinion stand, and take the chance that time will do to me what it does to most prophets. * 5 Stand in a gully or in the archaeologist's trench and the wall before you represents over 1,600 years of people living and dying, making a way for themselves, dreaming and arguing. Events : ---------------------------------- Humanity -- Added : April 12, 2020 About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from :