People :
Author : Anna Key
: Beating Fascism
Text :
It is necessary to free man from the curse of power, from the cannibalism of exploitation, in order to release in him those creative forces which can continually give his life new meaning. Power degrades man into a dead part of a machine set in motion by a superior will. Culture makes him the master and builder of his own destiny and deepens in him that feeling of communion from which everything great is born. Man's liberation from the organized force of the state and the narrow bondage of the nation is the beginning of a new humanity, which feels its wings grow in freedom and finds its strength in the community.
From : Chapter 9: Nationalism and Fascism, Page 11..
Chronology :
May 21, 2020 : 7 -- Added.
July 06, 2022 : 7 -- Updated.
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