Sections (TOC) :
• 1
16 Words; 89 Characters
• 2
18 Words; 106 Characters
• 3
51 Words; 292 Characters
• 4
8 Words; 55 Characters
• 5
45 Words; 237 Characters
• 6
17 Words; 132 Characters
• 7
52 Words; 375 Characters
• 8
76 Words; 460 Characters
• 9
119 Words; 667 Characters
• 10
22 Words; 152 Characters
• 11
40 Words; 297 Characters
• 12
57 Words; 315 Characters
• 13
43 Words; 293 Characters
• 14
17 Words; 115 Characters
• 15
37 Words; 249 Characters
• 16
36 Words; 230 Characters
• 17
28 Words; 172 Characters
• 18
52 Words; 302 Characters
• 19
43 Words; 258 Characters
• 20
92 Words; 507 Characters
Sections (Content) :
• 1
The scholar who cherishes the love of comfort is not fit to be deemed a scholar.
• 2
A child forced to earn its bread has neither the time nor the opportunity to obtain an education.
• 3
Upon every hand there are the unerring signs of change, and the time has has come for the education and organization of the working class for the social revolution that is to lift the workers from the depths of slavery and elevate them to an exalted plane of equality and fraternity.
• 4
The scholar who defends monopoly is a traitor.
• 5
There is a vigor, a reach of capacity, and a sensibility of mind, which may characterize as well the savage as the citizen, the slave as well as the master; and the same powers of the mind may be turned to a variety of purposes.
• 6
...Socialistic propaganda and organization, the only one which represents all the revolutionary energy of the new humanity.
• 7
...we must daily and incessantly continue the revolutionary work of giving Socialist minds to the proletarians in field and factory. For the Socialist spirit is the most revolutionary social factor. Nothing can resist this Socialist mind, neither the prejudice of reactionary violence, nor the clerical superstition, nor electoral corruption, nor economic servility.
• 8
...the egoist life-consciousness and its forms of existence, the Church and State, will disappear of their own accord, but not before the egoist life, working for one’s private account, the traffic in humans disappear. As long as this practical egoism has not disappeared talking to man about philosophy, freedom, reason and love will be fruitless. The mass of men will not believe that human life and life in general is love, truth and freedom.
• 9
Every kind of mechanism insists upon logic. The working people are reasoners -- their hands and heads are in partnership. They know a great deal more than the capitalists. It takes a thousand times the brain to make a locomotive that it does to run a store or a bank. Think of the intelligence in a steamship and in all the thousand machines and devices that are now working for the world. These working people read. They meet together -- they discuss. They are becoming more and more independent in thought. They do not believe all they hear. They may take their hats off their heads to the priests, but they keep their brains in their heads for themselves.
• 10 is our special business to see that all public educational institutions be used for the creation of intelligent, class conscious workers.
• 11
Parliament must fade away when Labor unites scientifically, and commands control of the land and workshops of the country.
["One Big Union," by John Maclean, The Vanguard, July 1920, transcribed by Scottish Republican Socialist Movement Archive in 2002 and David Walters in 2003.]
• 12
The more awake a man is, the deeper his thoughts about his situation are. He will recognize his state of slavery and the anarchistic and revolutionary spirit within him will wake and show itself in his thoughts and actions. It is the same for every man and woman, even if they could never have heard of it.
• 13
The spirit of oppression, the spirit of servility, and the spirit of fraud, these are the immediate growth of the established administration of property. They are alike hostile to intellectual improvement. The other vises of envy, malice, and revenge are their inseparable companions.
• 14
...the educational question, whose solution by the way is dependent on the solution of the worker issue...
• 15
True Socialists, and above all true Communists, must not only believe in the possibility of educating the mass, but must loyally dedicate themselves to the labor involved, both in self-education and in assisting others to acquire education.
• 16
The proletarian revolution is not simply the vanquishing of capitalist power. It is the rise of the whole working people out of dependence and ignorance into independence and clear consciousness of how to make their life.
• 17
...the only way the workers can shrug off the ignorance and cultural deprivation that the capitalist regime and the state assign them to is by means of revolution.
• 18
We are provincial, because we do not find at home our standards; because we do not worship truth, but the reflection of truth; because we are warped and narrowed by an exclusive devotion to trade and commerce and manufactures and agriculture and the like, which are but means, and not the end.
• 19
The liberation of the working classes from Governmental interference in matters of education would be the easiest and quickest way to enable the people to gain all the knowledge they need, in place of such knowledge as is now being forced upon them.
• 20
If the working people now go and work for the proprietors and rent their lands, they do so only because not all of them have come to understand the sinfulness of their acts or the whole evil which they are doing to their brothers and to themselves by it. The more there shall be such men and the more clearly they shall understand the significance of their participation in the ownership of land, the more and more will the power of the nonworkers over the workers destroy itself of its own accord.
Chronology :
April 12, 2020 : Class War -- Added.
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