Compassion -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sections (TOC) : ---------------------------------- * 1 195 Words; 1,158 Characters * 2 187 Words; 1,026 Characters * 3 26 Words; 159 Characters * 4 10 Words; 82 Characters * 5 32 Words; 204 Characters * 6 23 Words; 139 Characters * 7 139 Words; 770 Characters * 8 44 Words; 284 Characters Sections (Content) : ---------------------------------- * 1 But does the sage always preserve himself in this philosophical indifference, and rest contented with lamenting the miseries of mankind, without ever employing himself for their relief? Does he constantly indulge this severe wisdom, which, by pretending to elevate him above human accidents, does in reality harden his heart, and render him careless of the interests of mankind, and of society? No; he knows that in this sullen Apathy, neither true wisdom nor true happiness can be found. He feels too strongly the charm of the social affections ever to counteract so sweet, so natural, so virtuous a propensity. Even when, bathed in tears, he laments the miseries of human race, of his country, of his friends, and unable to give succor, can only relieve them by compassion; he yet rejoices in the generous disposition, and feels a satisfaction superior to that of the most indulged sense. So engaging are the sentiments of humanity, that they brighten up the very face of sorrow, and operate like the sun, which, shining on a dusky cloud or falling rain, paints on them the most glorious colors which are to be found in the whole circle of nature. * 2 ...all of you who possess knowledge, talent, capacity, industry, if you have a spark of sympathy in your nature, come, you and your companions, come and and place your services at the disposal of those who most need them. And remember, if you do come, that you come not as masters, but as comrades in the struggle; that you come not to govern but to gain strength for yourselves in a new life which sweeps upward to the conquest of the future; that you come less to teach than to grasp the aspirations of the many; to divine them, to give them shape, and then to work, without rest and without haste, with all the fire of youth and all the judgment of age, to realize them in actual life. Then and then only will you lead a complete, a noble, a rational existence. Then you will see that your every effort on this path bears with it fruit in abundance, and this sublime harmony once established between your actions and the dictates of your conscience will give you powers you never dreamed lay dormant in yourselves. * 3 When healthy reasoning and love of oneself and of others alike gain the ascendancy in life, man will become the authentic author of his own existence. * 4 ...scholarly pursuits should never be separated from their human context. * 5 ...true education, whatever that may be, will have the greatest tendency to civilize and humanize them [the people] in their relations to one another, and to those who are under their protection. * 6 ...nothing can be more antagonistic than meanness to a soul which is ever longing after the whole of things both divine and human. * 7 If children are brought up in common in the bosom of equality; if they are imbued with the laws of the State and the precepts of the general will; if they are taught to respect these above all things; if they are surrounded by examples and objects which constantly remind them of the tender mother who nourishes them, of the love she bears them, of the inestimable benefits they receive from her, and of the return they owe her, we cannot doubt that they will learn to cherish one another mutually as brothers, to will nothing contrary to the will of society, to substitute the actions of men and citizens for the futile and vain babbling of sophists, and to become in time defenders and fathers of the country of which they will have been so long the children. * 8 The great means to reduce the number of fanatics, if any remain, is to submit that disease of the mind to the treatment of reason, which slowly, but infallibly, enlightens men. Reason is gentle and humane. It inspires liberality, suppresses discord, and strengthens virtue... Events : ---------------------------------- Compassion -- Added : April 12, 2020 About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from :