Social Change

Sections (TOC) :

    * 1
        23 Words; 164 Characters

    * 2
        45 Words; 279 Characters

    * 3
        46 Words; 283 Characters

    * 4
        16 Words; 102 Characters

    * 5
        14 Words; 72 Characters

    * 6
        8 Words; 53 Characters

    * 7
        8 Words; 59 Characters

    * 8
        26 Words; 162 Characters

    * 9
        23 Words; 148 Characters

    * 10
        29 Words; 171 Characters

    * 11
        34 Words; 226 Characters

    * 12
        16 Words; 107 Characters

    * 13
        27 Words; 177 Characters

Sections (Content) :

* 1

[CNT Slogan:] Not a single school without its light 

 Nor a single mind unenlightened: 

 Bread and knowledge 

 Are the birthright of us all.

* 2

The leaving virtue without proper cultivation; the not thoroughly
discussing what is learned; not being able to move towards righteousness of
which a knowledge is gained; and not being able to change what is not
good:-- these are the things which occasion me solicitude.

* 3

At every turn the question recurs, “What can workingmen do for
themselves?” The question demands an answer, and unbidden a thousand
are ready. We have not space for them. Let each workingman answer for
himself. For one, we say the workingman can educate himself.

* 4

Before being able to usefully occupy oneself with combating an evil, one
must know its cause.

* 5

I don't mind your taking me for a rascal, but not for an idiot.

* 6

Truth gives man the greatest power for good.

* 7

...a movement not infrequently begins with a book.

* 8

We all know that to get mass action and make it effective in the interests
of the workers we must have preliminary agitation, education and

* 9

Organize yourselves, brothers, call every man to your ranks. Call him from
the factory, from the school; call the students and the learned.

* 10

The task of the conscious minority is to profit from every situation to
change the environment in a way that will make possible the education of
the whole people.

* 11

Until we are ready to dare to think unorthodox thoughts we must dismiss as
illusory any hope of being able, permanently, to emancipate domestic policy
from the vicissitude of international trade and capital movements.

* 12

...the best governed state will be that which shall possess the best
national system of education.

* 13

We cannot free mankind from its present slavery nor build up a new society
until there exist constructive character among the individuals who shall
create that society.

Events :

     Social Change -- Added : April 12, 2020

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