
People :

Author : Lao Tzu

 : Hua Hu Ching

Text :

There is no one method for attaining realization of the Tao. To regard any
method as the method is to create a duality, which can only delay your
understanding of the subtle truth. The mature person perceives the
fruitlessness of rigid, external methodologies; Remembering this, he keeps
his attitude unstructured at all times and thus is always free to pursue
the Integral Way. He studies the teachings of the masters. He dissolves all
concepts of duality. He pours himself out in service to others. He performs
his inner cleansing and does not disturb his teacher with unnecessary
entanglements, thus preserving the subtle spiritual connection with the
teacher's divine energy. Gently eliminating all obstacles to his own
understanding, he constantly maintains his unconditional sincerity. His
humility, perseverance, and adaptability evoke the response of the universe
and fill him with divine light.

     From : Part 18.

Events :

     10 -- Added : May 22, 2020

     10 -- Updated : July 15, 2022

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