Sections (TOC) :
• 1
59 Words; 336 Characters
• 2
47 Words; 248 Characters
• 3
46 Words; 267 Characters
• 4
57 Words; 341 Characters
• 5
174 Words; 993 Characters
• 6
18 Words; 113 Characters
• 7
31 Words; 194 Characters
Sections (Content) :
• 1
It's upsetting to think that the constitution is only for the libraries or for the use of the political class when it suits them and that it simply doesn't exist for the people. It says in the constitution that people have the right to express themselves, but in reality, if people speak up, they risk all kinds of persecution.
• 2
The masses must awaken to the fact that if they would be free they must seize upon the means of education and use them to light up the dark places in which they grope like cavemen, and march out into the great free world which awaits them.
• 3
The reality, in the mean time, of certain establishments at Rome and at Sparta, cannot be disputed: but it is probable, that the government of both these states took its rise from the situation and genius of the people, not from the projects of single men...
• 4
They began to investigate and dig down to the bed-rock upon which, society must be founded, and when the got down there, forced there, too, by their oppressors, forced against their own prejudices and education, they found at the bottom of things, not lords, not nobles, not pulpits, not thrones, but humanity and the rights of men.
• 5
Where, then, are these young people who have been taught at our expense? These youths whom we fed and clothed while they studied? Where are those for whom, our backs bent double beneath our burdens and our bellies empty, we have built these houses, these colleges, these lecture-rooms, these museums? Where are the men for whose benefit we, with our pale, worn faces, have printed these fine books, most of which we cannot even read? Where are they, these professors who claim to possess the science of mankind, and for whom humanity itself is not worth a rare caterpillar? Where are the men who are ever speaking in praise of liberty, and never think to champion our freedom, trampled as it is each day beneath their feet? Where are they, these writers and poets, these painters and sculptors? Where, in a word, is the whole gang of hypocrites who speak of the people with tears in their eyes, but who never, by any chance, find themselves among us, helping us in our laborious work?
• 6
Insanity in individuals is something rare -- but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule.
• 7
"You cannot educate the mass."
How often that phrase is heard in the working class movement; and what a cruel blasphemy against the human mind is contained in those cruel words!
Chronology :
April 12, 2020 : The Masses -- Added.
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