The Universe -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sections (TOC) : ---------------------------------- * 1 32 Words; 198 Characters * 2 63 Words; 337 Characters * 3 78 Words; 512 Characters * 4 73 Words; 409 Characters * 5 9 Words; 67 Characters * 6 29 Words; 173 Characters * 7 16 Words; 108 Characters * 8 73 Words; 460 Characters Sections (Content) : ---------------------------------- * 1 There ought to be something very distinctive about the theory that describes the universe. Why does this theory come to life while other theories exist only in the minds of their inventors? * 2 We hear a lot in our own day about the expanding universe. We have learned to accept it as something big. The thought of the Infinity of the Universe was one of the great stimulating ideas of the Renaissance. It was no longer a 15th Century God's backyard. And it suddenly became too vast to be ruled over by a 15th Century God. * 3 some ponderous multi-purpose robot that is powered by its own insatiable curiosity, science lurches onward irresistibly, its myriad feelers peeling away the flesh of nature, probing ever deeper beneath the surface of things, forcing entry into every sanctuary, moving a transmuted humanity forward to the day when every throb in the universe has been charted, every manifestation of life dissected to the nth particle, and nothing more remains to be discovered -- except, perhaps, the road back. * 4 ...astronomy is the science of the totality of the universe, though now merely in a spatial sense. Whereas in the ancient world the idea of the unity of the heavenly and the human worlds exalted the hearts of the students of nature, now men are stirred by the proud consciousness of the power of the human mind, which from our small dwelling place is able to reach up to the remotest stellar systems. * 5 The eternal silence of these infinite spaces terrifies me. * 6 studying the convoluted orbits of the stars my feet do not touch the earth, and, seated at the table of Zeus himself, I am nurtured with celestial ambrosia... * 7 Therein lies the challenge. How do you study something that cannot possibly get your clothes dirty? * 8 Those who wish to attain oneness must practice undiscriminating virtue. They must dissolve all ideas of duality: good and bad, beautiful and ugly, high and low. They will be obliged to abandon any mental bias born of cultural or religious belief. Indeed, they should hold their minds free of any thought which interferes with their understanding of the universe as a harmonious oneness. The beginning of these practices is the beginning of liberation. Events : ---------------------------------- The Universe -- Added : April 13, 2020 About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from :