Abraham Zaleznik : Leading Scholar and Teacher in the Field of Organizational Psychodynamics and the Psychodynamics of Leadership, Professor Emeritus at the Harvard Business School where he Taught for four Decades, and a Practicing Psychoanalyst and the Author of 16 Books -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1924 -- 2011 Description : ---------------------------------- A leading scholar and teacher in the field of organizational psychodynamics and the psychodynamics of leadership. At the time of his death he was a Professor Emeritus at the Harvard Business School where he taught for four decades. He was a practicing psychoanalyst and the author of 16 books. From : Wikipedia.org Works : ---------------------------------- Author of Worker Satisfaction and Development (November 30, 1955) Events : ---------------------------------- Abraham Zaleznik's Birth Day : November 30, 1923 Abraham Zaleznik's Death Day : November 30, 2010 Abraham Zaleznik's Added : May 29, 2020 Abraham Zaleznik's Updated : January 16, 2023 Links : ---------------------------------- Wikipedia: Abraham Zaleznik -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Zaleznik HBR.org: Abraham Zaleznik -- https://hbr.org/search?term=abraham%20zaleznik BostonHerald.com: Abraham Zaleznik -- https://www.bostonherald.com/2011/12/09/abraham-zaleznik-at-87-professor-emeritus-of-harvard-business-school/ About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from : http://RevoltSource.com/