Anton Pannekoek : Dutch Astronomer, Philosopher, Marxist Theorist, and Socialist Revolutionary -------------------------------------------------------------------- January 2, 1873 -- April 28, 1960 Description : ---------------------------------- A Dutch astronomer, philosopher, Marxist theorist, and socialist revolutionary. He was one of the main theorists of council communism (Dutch: radencommunisme). Pannekoek studied mathematics and physics in Leiden from 1891. Even before he went to college he was interested in astronomy and studied the Milky Way and variability of Polaris. He published his first article, On the Necessity of Further Researches on the Milky Way, as a student. From : Works : ---------------------------------- Author of History of Astronomy (November 30, 1960) Author of The Failure of the Working Class (November 30, 1945) Author of General Remarks on the Question of Organisation (November 30, 1937) Author of Individual Acts (November 30, 1932) Author of The Labor Movement and Socialism (June 30, 1908) Author of Party and Working Class (November 30, 1935) Author of Public Ownership and Common Ownership (October 31, 1947) Author of Strikes (December 31, 1947) Author of There are Reforms and There are Reforms, Or, Two Sorts of Reforms (November 07, 1908) Author of Trade Unionism (December 31, 1935) Author of Workers Councils (March 31, 1936) Author of 15 (January 01, 1970) Author of 10 (January 01, 1970) Author of 10 (January 01, 1970) Author of 7 (January 01, 1970) Author of 5 (January 01, 1970) Author of 7 (January 01, 1970) Author of 16 (January 01, 1970) Author of 28 (January 01, 1970) Author of 7 (January 01, 1970) Author of 8 (January 01, 1970) Author of 9 (January 01, 1970) Author of 13 (January 01, 1970) Author of 32 (January 01, 1970) Author of 36 (January 01, 1970) Author of 34 (January 01, 1970) Author of 10 (January 01, 1970) Author of 8 (January 01, 1970) Author of 20 (January 01, 1970) Author of 6 (January 01, 1970) Author of 7 (January 01, 1970) Author of 12 (January 01, 1970) Author of 13 (January 01, 1970) Author of 14 (January 01, 1970) Author of 10 (January 01, 1970) Author of 11 (January 01, 1970) Author of 11 (January 01, 1970) Author of 9 (January 01, 1970) Author of 3 (January 01, 1970) Author of 26 (January 01, 1970) Author of 8 (January 01, 1970) Author of 13 (January 01, 1970) Author of 11 (January 01, 1970) Author of 12 (January 01, 1970) Author of 13 (January 01, 1970) Author of 7 (January 01, 1970) Author of 8 (January 01, 1970) Author of 13 (January 01, 1970) Author of 14 (January 01, 1970) Author of 15 (January 01, 1970) Author of 16 (January 01, 1970) Author of 15 (January 01, 1970) Author of 17 (January 01, 1970) Author of 18 (January 01, 1970) Author of 28 (January 01, 1970) Author of 12 (January 01, 1970) Author of 11 (January 01, 1970) Author of 12 (January 01, 1970) Author of 13 (January 01, 1970) Author of 21 (January 01, 1970) Author of 16 (January 01, 1970) Author of 3 (January 01, 1970) Author of 4 (January 01, 1970) Events : ---------------------------------- Anton Pannekoek's Birth Day : January 02, 1873 Anton Pannekoek's Death Day : April 28, 1960 Anton Pannekoek's Added : March 24, 2020 Anton Pannekoek's Updated : January 03, 2023 Links : ---------------------------------- Wikipedia: Anton Pannekoek -- Anton Pannekoek -- Anton Pannekoek -- About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from :