Edwin Williamson : Literary Scholar, Biographer, and Historian. His Research Interests are in the Literature, Culture, and History of Spanish America as well as Early-modern Spain -------------------------------------------------------------------- Description : ---------------------------------- Comendador de la Orden de Isabel la Cat?lica, King Alfonso XIII Professor Emeritus of Spanish Studies, Emeritus Fellow of Exeter College; Corresponding Fellow of the Real Academia Espa?ola. Edwin Williamson is a literary scholar, biographer, and historian. From : Lax.Ox.ac.uk Works : ---------------------------------- Author of Penguin History of Latin America (November 30, 1991) Events : ---------------------------------- Edwin Williamson's Added : May 27, 2020 Edwin Williamson's Updated : January 15, 2023 Links : ---------------------------------- Latin American Centre, Oxford School of Global and Area Studies: Edwin Williamson -- https://www.lac.ox.ac.uk/people/edwin-williamson Encyclopedia.com: Edwin Williamson -- https://www.encyclopedia.com/arts/educational-magazines/williamson-edwin Yale.edu: Noted scholar of Spanish and Latin American literature to speak at Yale -- https://news.yale.edu/2014/09/30/noted-scholar-spanish-and-latin-american-literature-speak-yale About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from : http://RevoltSource.com/