Friedrich Nietzsche : German Philosopher, Cultural Critic and Philologist whose Work has Exerted a Profound Influence on Modern Intellectual History -------------------------------------------------------------------- October 15, 1844 -- August 25, 1900 Description : ---------------------------------- A German philosopher, cultural critic and philologist whose work has exerted a profound influence on modern intellectual history. He began his career as a classical philologist before turning to philosophy. He became the youngest person ever to hold the Chair of Classical Philology at the University of Basel in 1869 at the age of 24. From : Works : ---------------------------------- Author of Beyond Good and Evil (November 30, 1885) Author of 8 (January 01, 1970) Author of 38 (January 01, 1970) Author of 39 (January 01, 1970) Author of 40 (January 01, 1970) Author of 12 (January 01, 1970) Author of 5 (January 01, 1970) Author of 6 (January 01, 1970) Author of 14 (January 01, 1970) Author of 7 (January 01, 1970) Author of 6 (January 01, 1970) Author of 3 (January 01, 1970) Author of 8 (January 01, 1970) Author of 6 (January 01, 1970) Author of 27 (January 01, 1970) Author of 28 (January 01, 1970) Author of 10 (January 01, 1970) Author of 11 (January 01, 1970) Author of 6 (January 01, 1970) Author of 9 (January 01, 1970) Author of 15 (January 01, 1970) Author of 5 (January 01, 1970) Events : ---------------------------------- Friedrich Nietzsche's Birth Day : October 15, 1844 Friedrich Nietzsche's Death Day : August 25, 1900 Friedrich Nietzsche's Added : March 24, 2020 Friedrich Nietzsche's Updated : January 03, 2023 Links : ---------------------------------- Wikipedia: Friedrich Nietzsche -- Friedrich Nietzsche -- Friedrich Nietzsche -- About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from :