Leigh Hunt : English Critic, Essayist, Poet, and Co-founder of The Examiner, a Leading Intellectual Journal Expounding Radical Principles -------------------------------------------------------------------- October 19, 1784 -- August 28, 1859 Description : ---------------------------------- Best known as Leigh Hunt, was an English critic, essayist and poet. Hunt co-founded The Examiner, a leading intellectual journal expounding radical principles. He was the centre of the Hampstead-based group that included William Hazlitt and Charles Lamb, known as the "Hunt circle". From : Wikipedia.org Works : ---------------------------------- Author of 4 (January 01, 1970) Events : ---------------------------------- Leigh Hunt's Birth Day : October 19, 1784 Leigh Hunt's Death Day : August 28, 1859 Leigh Hunt's Added : March 24, 2020 Leigh Hunt's Updated : December 16, 2022 Links : ---------------------------------- Wikipedia: Leigh Hunt -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leigh_Hunt PoetryFoundation.org: Leigh Hunt -- https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/leigh-hunt Britannica.com: Leigh Hunt -- https://www.britannica.com/biography/Leigh-Hunt About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from : http://RevoltSource.com/