Rhea Marsh Smith : American Scholar of the English Language and History, Assistant Professor of History at Rollins College Faculty, and World War 2 Military Instructor -------------------------------------------------------------------- April 19, 1907 -- November 2, 1991 Description : ---------------------------------- Remained in his home state from birth, April 19, 1907, until his completion of his undergraduate studies at Southern Methodist University (S.M.U), where he received a Bachelors of Arts degree in both English and History. Upon graduation, fellowships were offered to him in both areas of study, but he chose to work under a history professor at S.M.U. After a period as a fellow and instructor at the University, Smith became a lecturer at the University of Texas... From : Lib.Rollins.edu Works : ---------------------------------- Author of Spain (November 30, 1964) Events : ---------------------------------- Rhea Marsh Smith's Birth Day : April 19, 1907 Rhea Marsh Smith's Death Day : November 02, 1991 Rhea Marsh Smith's Added : May 28, 2020 Rhea Marsh Smith's Updated : January 13, 2023 Links : ---------------------------------- Lib.Rollins.edu: Rhea Marsh Smith -- https://lib.rollins.edu/olin/oldsite/archives/golden/Smith.htm Omeka.Wppl.LibraryMarket.com: Rhea Marsh Smith -- https://omeka.wppl.librarymarket.com/exhibits/show/histbioref/rhea-marsh-smith GoodReads.com: Rhea Marsh Smith -- https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7033234.Rhea_Marsh_Smith About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from : http://RevoltSource.com/