Sections (TOC) :
• 1
68 Words; 406 Characters
• 2
37 Words; 192 Characters
• 3
70 Words; 459 Characters
• 4
22 Words; 115 Characters
• 5
44 Words; 261 Characters
• 6
50 Words; 313 Characters
Sections (Content) :
• 1
...if there isn't a real response to the ignominious absence of even the most elemental liberties and right to life; if the docility continues disguising itself with words, which are simply pages to the wind; if we fail to energetically attack the origin of these problems; then we will continue to build warehouses of smoke and perhaps write a page in the martyrology, but we won't be anarchists.
• 2
There is no need to ritualize the homage to the dead for us to remember those comrades who so freely gave their lives, we pay them tribute in carrying on the work they can do no more.
• 3
Poor Leon Czolgosz [assassin of the president], your crime consisted of too sensitive a social consciousness. Unlike your idealless and brainless American brothers, your ideals soared above the belly and the bank account. No wonder you impressed the one human being among all the infuriated mob at your trial--a newspaper woman--as a visionary, totally oblivious to your surroundings. Your large, dreamy eyes must have beheld a new and glorious dawn.
• 4
It is not so much how one dies that counts in the ultimate evaluation of one's worth. It is how one lives.
• 5
The most determined and intrepid militants, the ones that do not merely peddle their ideas but also go to the lengths of dying for them, those ones languish in filthy dungeons, in the holds of vessels deporting them to distant shores, to hostile lands.
• 6
Ah, battle-scarred column of liberation: I remember you and my heart is racked with pain at the knowledge that your finest militants, those who most readily did their freely accepted duty, perished, mown down by machine-gun fire, blown to pieces by shells, always with a smile playing upon their lips....
Chronology :
March 12, 2020 : Martyrdom -- Added.
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