The Masses

Sections (TOC) :

• 1
      46 Words; 307 Characters

• 2
      50 Words; 299 Characters

• 3
      52 Words; 313 Characters

• 4
      56 Words; 327 Characters

• 5
      30 Words; 190 Characters

• 6
      34 Words; 212 Characters

• 7
      19 Words; 143 Characters

Sections (Content) :

• 1 revolution will thus create freedom while smashing slavery altogether. This belief must be cherished and defended. The only people who can possibly provide the defense for this belief are the masses themselves who have made the revolution and who equate their lives with their principles.

• 2

The great majority of anarchists, if I am not mistaken, hold the view that human perfectibility and anarchy would not be achieved even in a few thousand years, if first one did not create by the revolution, made by a conscious majority, the necessary environment for freedom and well being.

• 3

What matters most of all is that the people, all people, should lose their sheep-like instincts and habits with which their minds have been inculcated by an age-long slavery, and that they should learn to think and act freely. It is to this task of liberation that anarchists must devote their attention.

• 4

...once we had encouraged and helped the masses to seize the existing wealth and particularly the means of production; once the situation is reached whereby no one could impose his wishes on others by force, nor take away from any man the product of his labor, we could then only act through propaganda and by example.

• 5

Given the right conditions, conditions of true equality and freedom, a powerful spirit of mutual aid and cooperation has been demonstrated to come to the fore in the popular masses.

• 6

What is taking place is not communization. But it is a real movement against state plunder and coercion -- fighting both militarily on its borders and inwardly through the diffusion of power within them.

• 7

Peasant anarchism and an apocalyptic vision of the world, together, provide the ideological fuel that drives the rebellious peasantry.

Chronology :

March 12, 2020 : The Masses -- Added.

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