Sections (TOC) :
• 1
33 Words; 207 Characters
• 2
27 Words; 173 Characters
• 3
26 Words; 170 Characters
• 4
14 Words; 82 Characters
• 5
108 Words; 679 Characters
Sections (Content) :
• 1
What a miserable government must that be where the sovereign suspects an enemy in every subject, and, to secure the tranquility of the public, is obliged to sacrifice the repose of every individual.
• 2
...what a strange constitution is that where the government which hath in its favor not only power, but opinion, still more efficacious, yet fears its own subjects?
• 3
Nobody was ever in prison wrongfully who did not believe in the writ of habeas corpus. Nobody ever suffered wrongfully without instantly having ideas of justice.
• 4
It's miserable to be ill in prison. I should weep, but I'll sing instead.
• 5
Let feelings of humanity or strict justice induce you to devote a few hours to visit some of the public prisons of the metropolis, and patiently inquire, with kind commiserating solicitude, of their various inhabitants, the events of their lives and the lives of their various connections. Then will tales unfold that must arrest attention, that will disclose sufferings, misery, and injustice, upon which, for obvious reasons, I will not now dwell, but which previously, I am persuaded, you could not suppose it possible to exist in any civilized state, far less that they should be permitted for centuries to increase around the very fountain of British jurisprudence.
Chronology :
March 12, 2020 : The Accused -- Added.
April 04, 2020 : The Accused -- Updated.
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