The State

Sections (TOC) :

    * 1
        18 Words; 109 Characters

    * 2
        61 Words; 304 Characters

    * 3
        38 Words; 230 Characters

    * 4
        60 Words; 350 Characters

    * 5
        31 Words; 187 Characters

Sections (Content) :

* 1

...the present system of penal laws presents to our minds an idea of power
rather than of justice...

* 2 is terrible to feel like a criminal on the run when you know you have
done nothing wrong. Is it a crime to offer a safe place to a friend who
fears he might be killed? Is it a crime to splash vinegar in the faces of
people blinded and asphyxiated by teargas? Is it a crime to bear witness?

* 3

The whole citizens may unite in executing the plans of state, but never in
deliberating on its measures, or enacting its laws. What belongs to the
whole people under democracy, is here [in aristocracy] confined to a part.

* 4

Aside from the fact that the State is itself the greatest criminal,
breaking every written and natural law, stealing in the form of taxes,
killing in the form of war and capital punishment, it has come to an
absolute standstill in coping with crime. It has failed utterly to destroy
or even minimize the horrible scourge of its own creation.

* 5

Since the state is the "lordship of law," its hierarchy, it follows that
the egoist, in all cases where his advantage runs against the state's, can
satisfy himself only by crime.

Events :

     The State -- Added : March 12, 2020

     The State -- Updated : April 04, 2020

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