Sections (TOC) :
• 1
9 Words; 60 Characters
• 2
19 Words; 113 Characters
• 3
14 Words; 85 Characters
• 4
18 Words; 99 Characters
• 5
97 Words; 559 Characters
• 6
24 Words; 146 Characters
• 7
30 Words; 193 Characters
• 8
22 Words; 163 Characters
• 9
42 Words; 248 Characters
• 10
51 Words; 294 Characters
• 11
43 Words; 219 Characters
• 12
59 Words; 359 Characters
Sections (Content) :
• 1
[Anonymous Radical] I am for liberty even in crime.
• 2
All that is disgraceful and forbidden by law on earth is on the contrary honorable among us, the gods...
• 3
The runaway slave, whom you brand, is only a spotted francolin bird with us.
• 4
I dislike hounding a man down who has already got the forces of law and order against him.
• 5
Even back in the legendary days of Robin Hood, violence was justified once social conquest was recognized. It not only justifies the revolutionary, but also, at any rate to himself, the criminal. What is wealth but the accumulated thefts of the past? How did the titles and the ownership of land arise? Once it is appreciated that the accumulation of property is due to theft, but that the robbery goes back in time, it is hard for anyone to understand the argument of capitalist economics that robbery has to cease now. Why? Because the law says so.
• 6
...if the country were well governed he would not be out of office, and if it were ill-governed, he would escape punishment and disgrace.
• 7
...I cherish a lively, grateful, and exceedingly friendly feeling for a certain class of outcasts from society with whom I associated for some time. By this I mean various ex-convicts.
• 8 former convicts themselves, they possessed a sympathy and understanding no others could have for the sometimes morbid psychology of us unfortunates.
• 9 these kingdoms, to which he supposes himself to belong though he nevertheless throws off their laws, he is a "sinner" or "egoist." But it is only when he becomes a criminal against these kingdoms that he can throw off their dominion.
• 10
The state's behavior is violence, and it calls its violence "law"; that of the individual, "crime." Crime, then -- so the individual's violence is called; and only by crime does he overcome the state's violence when he thinks that the state is not above him, but he is above the state.
• 11
But you cannot talk egoistically with him, for you are not so great as a criminal, you -- commit no crime! You do not know that an ego who is his own cannot desist from being a criminal, that crime is his life.
• 12
In crime the egoist has hitherto asserted himself and mocked at the sacred; the break with the sacred, or rather of the sacred, may become general. A revolution never returns, but a mighty, reckless, shameless, conscienceless, proud -- crime, does it not rumble in distant thunders, and do you not see how the sky grows presciently silent and gloomy?
Chronology :
April 04, 2020 : Freedom -- Added.
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