
Sections (TOC) :

• 1
      74 Words; 443 Characters

• 2
      11 Words; 71 Characters

• 3
      21 Words; 141 Characters

• 4
      35 Words; 222 Characters

• 5
      42 Words; 232 Characters

Sections (Content) :

• 1

[Anonymous Démocrate-Socialiste Leader of Second French Republic] Marvelous and irresistible power of ideas! In spite of the prefects, the procureurs, the policemen and the spies; in spite of the oppressive legislation, the trials, the state of siege and the bayonets, in spite of all, democracy is in full spate like one of those great floods furnished by the hand of God, of which no human will is able to halt the course....

• 2

...the infamy of many resolves itself into the infamy of none.

• 3

[President of IGP, Inc., a major American corporation] ...democracy is about as foreign to most Americans as an African tribal rite.

• 4

The people can be successful only when they are right. When monopolies succeed, the people fail; when a rich criminal escapes justice, the people are punished; when a legislature is bribed, the people are cheated.

• 5

The familiar arguments to the effect that democracy is "just the same as" or "just as bad as" totalitarianism never take account of this fact. All such arguments boil down to saying that half a loaf is the same as no bread.

Chronology :

April 04, 2020 : Oppression -- Added.

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