Revolution -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sections (TOC) : ---------------------------------- * 1 31 Words; 169 Characters * 2 100 Words; 686 Characters * 3 39 Words; 237 Characters * 4 94 Words; 600 Characters * 5 22 Words; 160 Characters Sections (Content) : ---------------------------------- * 1 The republicans have confirmed what we have so often said of them, namely that they have neither the men to carry out a revolution nor even the desire to do so. * 2 As for representative government, it remains absolutely incomprehensible to us how intelligent men (and they are not wanting among the Collectivists) can continue to be the partizans of national and municipal parliaments, after all the lessons on this subject bestowed on us by history, whether in England or in France, in Germany, Switzerland or the United States. Whilst parliamentary rule is seen to be everywhere falling to pieces; whilst its principles in themselves--and no longer merely their applications--are being criticized in every direction, how can intelligent men calling themselves Revolutionary Socialists, seek to maintain a system already condemned to death? * 3 ...the revolution brings such an enormous mass of people upon the stage that any computation or regulation of the cost of the movement such as can be effected in a civil process, appears to be an altogether hopeless undertaking. * 4 ...a Constituent Assembly [parliament] is the means used by the privileged classes, when a dictatorship is not possible, either to prevent a revolution, or, when a revolution has already broken out, to stop its progress with the excuse of legalizing it, and to take back as much as possible of the gains that the people had made during the insurrectional period. The Constituent Assembly, with its making asleep and smothering, and the dictatorship, with its crushing and killing, are the two dangers that threaten any revolution. Anarchists must aim their efforts against them.­ * 5 Parliamentary action, for our post-World War generation, is something old and useless, like Christianity was for the children of the French Revolution. Events : ---------------------------------- Revolution -- Added : March 12, 2020 About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from :