
Sections (TOC) :

• 1
      47 Words; 353 Characters

• 2
      22 Words; 128 Characters

• 3
      113 Words; 599 Characters

• 4
      11 Words; 77 Characters

• 5
      20 Words; 155 Characters

• 6
      18 Words; 115 Characters

• 7
      22 Words; 116 Characters

• 8
      69 Words; 404 Characters

Sections (Content) :

• 1

Unlimited freedom of propaganda, speech, press, public or private assembly, with no other restraint than the natural salutary power of public opinion. Absolute freedom to organize associations even for allegedly immoral purposes including even those associations which advocate the undermining (or destruction) of individual and public freedom.

• 2

...the only test of real freedom is whether people have the right to disagree, because it is very easy indeed to agree.

• 3

Only a few years ago there was a great awakening of the human mind. Men began to inquire by what right a crowned robber made them work for him? The man who asked this question was called a traitor. Others asked by what right does a robed hypocrite rule my thought? Such men were called infidels. The priest said, and the king said, where is this spirit of investigation to stop? They said then and they say now, that it is dangerous for man to be free. I deny it. Out on the intellectual sea there is room enough for every sail. In the intellectual air there is space enough for every wing.

• 4

...the mobility of beliefs...depends closely on the mobility of men.

• 5

How many persecutions then, imprisonments, banishments, penalties, and stripes; how much bloodshed have the forcers of conscience to answer for...

• 6

Freedom of thought and of the press are usually attacked by arguments which are not worth bothering about.

• 7

...every man has a right to give an opinion but no man has a right that his opinion should govern the rest.

• 8

Birth control work in Holland is better organized than in any other country in the world. It is the only country in the world where the government has not prosecuted those advocating the idea, with the result that the men and women with ideals have been able to put their energies into the building up of the league instead of wasting their energies and time fighting the government authorities.

Chronology :

March 12, 2020 : Liberty -- Added.

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