Sections (TOC) :
• 1
50 Words; 300 Characters
• 2
39 Words; 226 Characters
• 3
64 Words; 347 Characters
• 4
11 Words; 59 Characters
• 5
43 Words; 267 Characters
• 6
62 Words; 336 Characters
• 7
18 Words; 96 Characters
• 8
68 Words; 410 Characters
• 9
27 Words; 185 Characters
• 10
26 Words; 177 Characters
Sections (Content) :
• 1
As revolutionaries we need to be more than just rebels. It's easy to say "No!" when everybody says "No!" But sometimes you're just on your own. So you have to have the courage and the integrity to say "No!" when it's just you.
[Section 1: Le Brankard, Lille, 20th May 2004, Page 16.]
• 2
It is sometimes necessary to eat a peckful of dirt when appearing before a judge. Defiance may no doubt be judged in idealistic terms as to degrees of heroism but has no significance in terms of reality or revolution.
• 3
...what we have called the political freedom, or the right of the individual to act in his station for himself and the public, cannot be made to rest on any other foundation. The estate may be saved, and the person released, by the forms of a civil procedure; but the rights of the mind cannot be sustained by any other force but its own.
• 4
I will not retreat an inch, and I will be heard...
• 5
It has always been the individual, often alone and singly, at other times in unity and cooperation with others of his kind, who has fought and bled in the age-long battle against suppression and oppression, against the powers that enthralled and degrade him.
• 6
Let your children have freedom and they will fall into your ways; they will do substantially as you do; but if you try to make them, there is some magnificent, splendid thing in the human heart that refuses to be driven. And do you know that it is the luckiest thing that ever happened for this world, that people are that way.
• 7
I am anxious to make it clear that I was not a rebel, except by force of circumstances.
• 8
To build beyond myself, I must tap all inner resources of stamina and courage, of resolution within myself. I was prepared to face opposition, even ridicule, denunciation. But I had also to prepare myself, in defense of these unpopular beliefs, I had to prepare myself to face courts and even prisons. But I resolved to stand up, alone if necessary, against all the entrenched forces which opposed me.
• 9
...the individual is never helpless; there is always the possibility of rebelling and defending an idea one considers just, even in the most unfavorable and adverse conditions.
• 10
"I am too high born to be propertied,
To be a second at control,
Or useful serving-man and instrument
To any sovereign state throughout the world."
Chronology :
March 12, 2020 : Resistance -- Added.
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