Anselme Bellegarrigue (March 23, 1813 - 1869) on Masters and Politicians

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RevoltSource Political Struggle Political Struggle Quotes Masters Politicians 7

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(1813 - 1869)

French Individualist Anarchist, Revolutionary in the French Revolution of 1848, Author and Editor of Numerous Anarchist Journals

: A French individualist anarchist. He participated in the French Revolution of 1848, was author and editor of Anarchie, Journal de l'Ordre and Au fait ! Au fait ! Interpr?tation de l'id?e d?mocratique. (From:

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Quote #7 on Political Struggle Quotes >> Masters and Politicians

“At the risk of repeating myself let me now pose this question: What is the voter expressing when he drops his ballot paper into the box?

By such an act, elector is telling candidate: I give you my freedom, unrestrictedly and unreservedly; I place at your disposal and abandon to your discretion my intellect, means of action, possessions, revenues, activity and entire fortune; I surrender to you my rights of sovereignty. Similarly and by extension, I also surrender to you the rights and sovereignty of my offspring, relatives and fellow-citizens — active and passive alike. All of this I surrender to you so that you may use them as you see fit. My only assurance is your whim.”

Source: "The World's First Anarchist Manifesto," by Anselme Bellegarrigue, Kate Sharpley Library, 2002, originally published in 1850. Section 13: To Unmask Politics is to Destroy It, Page 30.

"The World's First Anarchist Manifesto," by Anselme Bellegarrigue, Kate Sharpley Library, 2002, originally published in 1850.


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