Oppression -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sections (TOC) : ---------------------------------- * 1 12 Words; 102 Characters * 2 178 Words; 1,011 Characters * 3 97 Words; 612 Characters * 4 15 Words; 92 Characters * 5 18 Words; 97 Characters * 6 73 Words; 430 Characters * 7 58 Words; 332 Characters * 8 76 Words; 404 Characters * 9 9 Words; 68 Characters * 10 28 Words; 183 Characters Sections (Content) : ---------------------------------- * 1 Italian nationalism has three definite features: it is plutocratic, monarchic and jesuitical. * 2 The state then is the most flagrant negation, the most cynical and complete negation of humanity. It rends apart the universal solidarity of all men upon earth, and it unites some of them only in order to destroy, conquer, and enthralled all the rest. It takes under its protection only its own citizens, and it recognizes human right, humanity, and civilization only within the confines of its own boundaries. And since it does not recognize any right outside of its own confines, it quite logically arrogated to itself the right to treat with the most ferocious inhumanity all the foreign populations whom it can pillage, exterminate, or subordinate to its will. If it displays generosity or humanity toward them, it does it in no case out of any sense of duty: and that is because it has no duty but to itself, and toward those of its members who formed it by an act of free agreement, who continue constituting it on the same free bases, or, as it happens in the long run, have become its subjects. * 3 It is the same with the State... the common interest and the public right of all the individuals who have formed the contract among themselves, with the exclusion of all those who remain outside the contract. It is; consequently, nothing but the greatest satisfaction given to the collective egotism of a special and restricted association, which, being founded upon the partial sacrifice of the individual egotism of each of its members, rejects from its midst, as strangers and natural enemies, the immense majority of the human species, whether or not it may be organized into analogous organization. * 4 It is an American tradition that a standing army is a standing menace to liberty... * 5 There's no country any more. From one pole to the other all I see is tyrants and slaves. * 6 But if there is a people whom I am pleased to compare with our ancient fathers of Rome, it is certainly the English. Being egotists and conquerors, like our ancient fathers, their history overflows with crimes -- crimes committed on their own shores and on the shores of other nations. Many are the peoples whom they have enclosed in their iron coils in order to satisfy their insatiable thirst for gold and domination... * 7 When a government is unpopular, it seeks to turn the ire of the people in another direction; at times it seeks to incite them against foreigners and thus start a war; at other times it incites them against a portion of their fellow citizens, and from this latter tactic derives the persecution of the Jews, the Masons, etc. * 8 ...King George will not stay killed until it is finally settled in all industry as well as in the industry of government that no human being has a right to share in the product of another’s life and labor without his consent, and that there is no consent where there is not a perfect understanding and as perfect freedom to say No, as to say Yes, as perfect freedom to withhold as to give. * 9 Oppression is oppression whether it is foreign or domestic. * 10 Yet it cannot be called talent to slay fellow-citizens, to deceive friends, to be without faith, without mercy, without religion; such methods may gain empire, but not glory. Events : ---------------------------------- Oppression -- Added : March 12, 2020 About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from : http://RevoltSource.com/