Sections (TOC) :
• 1
99 Words; 600 Characters
• 2
19 Words; 138 Characters
• 3
12 Words; 80 Characters
• 4
36 Words; 251 Characters
• 5
50 Words; 346 Characters
• 6
54 Words; 340 Characters
• 7
101 Words; 571 Characters
• 8
22 Words; 125 Characters
Sections (Content) :
• 1
There are historical periods when revolutions are simply impossible; there are other periods when they are inevitable... I maintain that a popular social revolution is inevitable everywhere within Europe. Will it catch fire soon and where first? ... Nobody can foretell. Perhaps it will blaze up in a year's time, or even earlier, or perhaps in ten or twenty years. This does not matter, and the people who intend to serve it honestly do not serve for their own pleasure. All secret societies who wish to be really useful to it must, first of all, renounce all nervousness, all impatience...
• 2
[Le Duan (most likely)] ...when we launched the revolutionary force to oppose the enemy, the enemy's short-comings were revealed.
• 3
Revolution is too complex a phenomenon to be ascribed to single causes.
• 4
All great revolutions are the product of multiple causes. They result from the convergence of several factors, some of them related directly to the overall political and cultural environment, others the consequence of individual human action.
• 5
It is not the intention here to render a moral judgment on the Vietnamese revolution, or on its consequences. Revolutions represent the convergence of social forces and historical trends that cannot be summed up by facile moral generalizations. Their overall implications cannot be effectively evaluated for decades, or even generations.
• 6
Revolution is, as a matter of fact, the expression of the preceding accumulated evolutionary forces come to a breaking point. Revolution in society is exactly what a cloudburst, an earthquake or a tornado is in the atmospheric realm. Nature breaks loose a result of the elemental forces that have accumulated to the breaking point.
• 7
...the individual, whether artist or worker, can never hope to assert himself to the fullest unless the mass is emancipated, unless all the evils of our present system are eradicated root and all, and that can only be done by means of fundamental upheavals, not because we want it so, but because those in power and owning the wealth of the world will fight back as has been proved over and over against even the most pacific attempt on the part of the workers to better their condition. It is from this angle that I believe in the inevitability of revolution...
• 8
But what happens when a party is forced outside common law against its will and is condemned by the rest of society?
Chronology :
November 25, 2020 : Inevitability -- Added.
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