Sections (TOC) :
• 1
24 Words; 147 Characters
• 2
26 Words; 150 Characters
• 3
53 Words; 320 Characters
• 4
27 Words; 183 Characters
• 5
40 Words; 249 Characters
• 6
93 Words; 508 Characters
• 7
6 Words; 51 Characters
• 8
57 Words; 331 Characters
• 9
91 Words; 532 Characters
• 10
35 Words; 227 Characters
Sections (Content) :
• 1
Do not ask for privileges and preferential treatment from the state. Then the state will also have no reason to interfere in your affairs.
• 2
When you ask the government for freedom, the stupidity of your petition is instant proof to the latter that you have no grasp of your rights.
• 3
You say that once economic freedom is gained by the masses, the state as an instrument of oppression and upholder of privilege would be dissolved. The trouble is that economic freedom cannot be gained by the masses unless the state is undermined in the process, for the state will never permit economic freedom.
• 4
[IWA Statute] Statism, however camouflaged, can never be an instrument for human liberation and, on the contrary, will always be the creator of new monopolies and privileges.
• 5
Economists represented the enforced contract (under the threat of hunger) between master and workingman as a state of freedom. Politicians, again, so called the present state of the citizen who has become a serf and a taxpayer of the State.
• 6
Had the atomic bomb turned out to be something as cheap and easily manufactured as a bicycle or an alarm clock, it might well have plunged us back into barbarism, but it might, on the other hand, have meant the end of national sovereignty and of the highly-centralized police state. If, as seems to be the case, it is a rare and costly object as difficult to produce as a battleship, it is likelier to put an end to large-scale wars at the cost of prolonging indefinitely a "peace that is no peace."
• 7
...the preclusion of consent is despotism.
• 8
We in this country are proud of our boasted freedom and liberty, but it is generally known through out the Europe that most of our liberties are a farce. We have a political and religious liberty but individual moral liberty must yet be fought for here before we can progress in art, literature, or in human understanding.
• 9
Political liberty means that the polis, the state, is free; freedom of religion that religion is free, as freedom of conscience signifies that conscience is free; not, therefore, that I am free from the state, from religion, from conscience, or that I am rid of them. It does not mean my liberty, but the liberty of a power that rules and subjugates me; it means that one of my despots, like state, religion, conscience, is free. State, religion, conscience, these despots, make me a slave, and their liberty is my slavery.
• 10
...I am free in no state. The lauded tolerance of states is simply a tolerating of the "harmless," the "not dangerous"; it is only elevation above petty-mindedness, only a more estimable, grander, prouder -- despotism.
Chronology :
April 09, 2020 : Freedom -- Added.
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