Hierarchy -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sections (TOC) : ---------------------------------- * 1 44 Words; 256 Characters * 2 154 Words; 857 Characters * 3 60 Words; 391 Characters * 4 60 Words; 374 Characters Sections (Content) : ---------------------------------- * 1 ...with aristocracy... No merits or defects can raise or sink a person from one class to the other. The only effect of personal character is, to procure to the individual a suitable degree of consideration with his own order, not to vary his rank. * 2 And now whom do the ordinary liberal gentlemen mean to make free? Whose freedom is it that they cry out and thirst for? The spirit's! That of the spirit of morality, legality, piety, the fear of God. That is what the anti-liberal gentlemen also want, and the whole contention between the two turns on a matter of advantage -- whether the latter are to be the only speakers, or the former are to receive a "share in the enjoyment of the same advantage." The spirit remains the absolute lord for both, and their only quarrel is over who shall occupy the hierarchical throne that pertains to the "Viceregent of the Lord." The best of it is that one can calmly look upon the stir with the certainty that the wild beasts of history will tear each other to pieces just like those of nature; their putrefying corpses fertilize the ground for -- our crops. * 3 ...masterlessness is indeed at the same time freedom from service, possessionlessness at the same time freedom from care, and godlessness at the same time freedom from prejudice: for with the master the servant falls away; with possession, the care about it; with the firmly-rooted God, prejudice. But, since the master rises again as state, the servants appears again as subject... * 4 Hierarchy in social relations stems from the extreme inequality among different classes, the members of all of which are assumed to know their place and respect the rules of the hierarchy. The rules are simple: whatever your position on the social ladder, you have some authority over those below you and none over those above, regardless of the specific situation. Events : ---------------------------------- Hierarchy -- Added : April 09, 2020 About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from : http://RevoltSource.com/