Sections (TOC) :
• 1
25 Words; 150 Characters
• 2
23 Words; 123 Characters
• 3
20 Words; 112 Characters
• 4
21 Words; 137 Characters
• 5
36 Words; 225 Characters
• 6
27 Words; 186 Characters
• 7
12 Words; 92 Characters
• 8
42 Words; 267 Characters
• 9
76 Words; 470 Characters
• 10
27 Words; 149 Characters
• 11
16 Words; 93 Characters
• 12
48 Words; 283 Characters
• 13
26 Words; 158 Characters
• 14
14 Words; 91 Characters
• 15
9 Words; 70 Characters
• 16
15 Words; 87 Characters
• 17
22 Words; 126 Characters
• 18
6 Words; 47 Characters
• 19
62 Words; 397 Characters
• 20
18 Words; 122 Characters
• 21
105 Words; 618 Characters
• 22
105 Words; 620 Characters
Sections (Content) :
• 1
Next they'd be inventing idols, and funerals, and grave goods, and the afterlife, and sin, and Linear B, and kings, and then slavery and war.
• 2
So it is become more the Interest of Mankind to live at home in Peace, than to seek their fortunes abroad by Wars.
• 3
True warfare in which large rival armies fight to the death is known only in man and in social insects.
• 4
War is a terrible disaster for humanity. Are there any circumstances which may justify a Government throwing a country into war?
• 5
...mankind still retain many parts of their earliest character. They are still averse to labor, addicted to war, admirers of fortitude, and, in the language of Tacitus, more lavish of their blood than of their sweat.
• 6 every rude state, the great business is war; and that in barbarous times, mankind, being generally divided into small parties, are engaged in almost perpetual hostilities.
• 7
Glory is more successfully obtained by saving and protecting, than by destroying...
• 8
Human beings can't be all that bad, we would think. Or else that spasm-war would already have killed our nation, mortally wounded the planet, and destroyed all hope. That hasn't happened. Not yet. So our present difficulties are small potatoes by comparison.
• 9
Honor! I feel inclined to laugh with contempt when I think of a soldier's honor! The honor of the Bourbons, the Spaniards, the Austrians, the French, who attack like the murderers attack poor travelers on the road. The honor of slaughtering our fellow-countrymen, our political coreligionists, while a monster, a prostitute, or a young scoundrel on the throne enjoys the sight and laughs up his sleeve amid the lurid orgies of Naples, Vienna, Madrid, and Paris.
• 10
...the last war has brought more evils than it was supposed to destroy. And the next war will only add to the frightful results of the last.
• 11
...we deny that war... can be in any way conducive to the best interests of mankind.
• 12
...our aggressive instincts seem to be encoded in our DNA. DNA changes by biological evolution only on a time scale of millions of years, but our powers of destruction are increasing on a time scale for the evolution of information, which is now only twenty or thirty years.
• 13
In any event, by the time the sun blows up, we should have mastered the art of interstellar travel, provided we have not already destroyed ourselves.
• 14
Let the poet cease to celebrate men's achievements in battle, and wars will cease.
• 15
Bombing is not especially inhumane. War itself is inhumane...
• 16
Were all men trained to be rational, the art of war would be rendered useless.
• 17
...if atomic bombs are used on both sides, it is to be expected that all large cities will be completely wiped out...
• 18
Either war or civilization must end...
• 19
...the forces of oppression have cared nothing for the poignant grief of exploited motherhood. They have turned in callous indifference from her tears, while her flesh and blood have reddened every battlefield in history. There are statues in plenty to kings, statesmen and generals who have driven her sons to the universal shambles of slaughter. But where are the statues to Motherhood?
• 20
...[for war], humanity herself has been sacrificed, and, amid those gigantic combats, it is she that must perish.
• 21
A common and natural result of an undue respect for the law is, that you may see a file of soldiers, colonel, captain, corporal, privates, powder-monkeys, and all, marching in admirable order over hill and dale to the wars, against their wills, aye, against their common sense and consciences, which makes it very steep marching indeed, and produces a palpitation of the heart. They have no doubt that it is a damnable business in which they are concerned; they are all peaceably inclined. Now, what are they? Men at all? Or small movable forts and magazines, at the service of some unscrupulous man in power?
• 22
While it may well be granted that the warlike raid upon which this community is entering is substantially an access of sportsmanlike exaltation, it is to be noticed that nearly all those who speak for war are at pains to find some colorable motive of another kind. Predatory exploit, simply as such, is not felt to carry its own legitimation, as it should in the apprehension of any species that is primarily of a predaceous character. What meets unreserved approval is such conduct as furthers human life on the whole, rather than such as furthers the invidious or predatory interest of one as against another.
Chronology :
April 09, 2020 : Civilization -- Added.
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