Henry Stephens Salt (September 20, 1851 - April 19, 1939) on War and Domination

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Entry 2604


From: holdoffhunger [id: 1]


RevoltSource Political Struggle Political Struggle Quotes War Domination 7

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(1851 - 1939)

English Writer, Vegetarian, Anti-war Advocate, Socialist, Anti-child Abuse, and Campaigner for Social Reform in the Fields of Prisons, Schools, Economic Institutions, and the Treatment of Animals

: An English writer and campaigner for social reform in the fields of prisons, schools, economic institutions, and the treatment of animals. He was a noted ethical vegetarian, anti-vivisectionist, socialist, and pacifist, and was well known as a literary critic, biographer, classical scholar and naturalist. It was Salt who first introduced Mohandas Gandhi to the influential works of Henry David Thoreau, and influenced Gandhi's study of vegetarianism. (From: Wikipedia.org.)

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Quote #7 on Political Struggle Quotes >> War and Domination

“Much has been said and written about the causes of the war; and it is inevitable that the immediate causes (for they alone are discussed) should be thoroughly investigated. But the deeper underlying causes of the recent war, and of every war, are not those upon which diplomatists and politicians and journalists and historians are intent: they must be sought in that callous and selfish habit of mind—common to all races, and as such accepted without thought, and transmitted from one generation to another—which exhibits itself not in war only, but in numerous other forms of barbarity observed in so-called civilized life.”

Source: "Seventy Years Among Savages," by Henry Stephens Salt, published by George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London, 1921. Chapter 17: The Talisman, Page 243.

"Seventy Years Among Savages," by Henry Stephens Salt, published by George Allen & Unwin Ltd., London, 1921.


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