Sections (TOC) :
• 1
18 Words; 112 Characters
• 2
121 Words; 665 Characters
• 3
46 Words; 261 Characters
• 4
73 Words; 450 Characters
• 5
111 Words; 634 Characters
• 6
40 Words; 247 Characters
Sections (Content) :
• 1
The alarms and the fatigues of war become a necessary recreation to those who are accustomed to them...
• 2
Every time a State wants to declare war upon another State, it starts off by launching a manifesto addressed not only to its own subjects but to the whole world. In this manifesto it declares that right and justice are on its side, and it endeavors to prove that it is actuated only by love of peace and humanity and that, imbued with generous and peaceful sentiments, it suffered for a long time in silence until the mounting iniquity of its enemy forced it to bare its sword. At the same time it vows that, disdainful of all material conquest and not seeking any increase in territory, it will put and end to this war as soon as justice is reestablished.
• 3
Where's the truth? What's to be believed? Or does it matter at all? When mass murder's have been answered with mass murder, rape with rape, hate with hate, there's no longer much meaning in asking whose ax is the bloodier. Evil, on evil, piled on evil.
• 4
...what they call "peace" is, in fact, only an armed truce -- an interval between two outbreaks of hostility -- during which, so far from being at genuine peace with their neighbors, they are occupied in speculating where the next attack shall be delivered, or, rather (for they love to depict themselves as always standing on pious self-defense against the wanton aggressiveness of others), how they shall repel the next attack from abroad.
• 5
The more one looks into these fallacies about fighting—and their number is legion—one is compelled to believe that the spirit which chiefly underlies the tendencies to war, apart from the direct incentive of commercial greed, is one of Fear. Hatred is more obvious, but it is fear which is at the bottom of the hatred. This alone can account for the extraordinary shortsightedness with which all freedom, both of speech and of action, is trampled on, when a war is once commenced. In such circumstances, society at once reverts, in its panic alarm for its own safety, to what may be called the Ethics of the Pack.
• 6
Not all the wisdom of all the prophets can alter the fact that like breeds like, that savage methods perpetuate savage methods, that evil cannot be suppressed by evil, nor one kind of militarism extinguished by another kind of militarism.
Chronology :
April 09, 2020 : Hate -- Added.
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