Sections (TOC) :
• 1
82 Words; 469 Characters
• 2
28 Words; 161 Characters
• 3
24 Words; 143 Characters
• 4
16 Words; 99 Characters
• 5
30 Words; 180 Characters
• 6
143 Words; 876 Characters
• 7
52 Words; 309 Characters
• 8
8 Words; 51 Characters
• 9
26 Words; 138 Characters
• 10
53 Words; 289 Characters
• 11
69 Words; 405 Characters
• 12
44 Words; 272 Characters
• 13
15 Words; 128 Characters
• 14
60 Words; 328 Characters
• 15
29 Words; 164 Characters
• 16
35 Words; 217 Characters
• 17
17 Words; 137 Characters
• 18
123 Words; 701 Characters
• 19
20 Words; 117 Characters
• 20
76 Words; 445 Characters
Sections (Content) :
• 1
I went to appel at 11. For the last time there heard read before my company that 'le Garde Child, volontaire étranger, a été rayé de la compagnie, sur sa demande,' henceforth having no longer the right to call myself a soldier, having endured a bloodless campaign of 40 days duration without hardly seeing the enemy or firing a shot. And for such services they talk about giving everyone a medal. Why I should be ashamed to wear it!
• 2
In a kingdom of a thousand chariots, my disciple Yu might be employed to manage the military levies, but I do not know whether he be perfectly virtuous.
• 3
The world is undergoing change before our eyes and there is only one way of developing peace: to urge against war and national armies.
• 4
...soldiers, during war, be more addicted to riot and expence, than any other race of men.
• 5
We have been counting on discontented army officers to carry out a revolution, but we can't knock at that door because right now is precisely when they are being promoted.
• 6
Except for cold-blooded militarists and politicians, all human beings hate war. The origin of war is often found in the “love for one’s nation.” If human beings love each other and work together happily, there can be no war. After the birth of the nation during the “era of animalistic desire,” “nationalism” emerged, whose cause and purpose were all about selfishness and greed. For example, when one state wants to expand its territory, it sacrifices its people to invade other nations to fulfill its animalistic desire. If it wins, only those militarists and politicians can enjoy the fruit of success. If it is defeated, people have to suffer from supporting military expenses. Does it benefit the masses? Poor masses, do they realize that nationalism is the weapon that kills their beloved fathers, sisters and brothers?
• 7
The standing army takes men and turns them into slaves. It degrades the character of citizens, makes them lose the taste for work and furnishes recruits to the odious police, who foster corruption rather than protect morals; and it lends its hand to all the crimes against the liberty of the citizen.
• 8
I am afraid the generals are not geniuses.
• 9
...the greater part of them do not engage in the war of their own accord, but are driven into it by the passions of their prince.
• 10 long as the professional soldier is in control he will see to it that the army is not democratized. And what is true within the armed forces is true of the nation as a whole; every increase in the strength of the military machine means more power for the forces of reaction.
• 11
The young officers who had come back, hardened by their terrible experience and disgusted by the attitude of the younger generation to whom this experience meant just nothing, used to lecture us for our softness. Of course they could produce no argument that we were capable of understanding. They could only bark at you that war was "a good thing", it "made you tough", "kept you fit", etc. etc.
• 12
It is doubtful whether prolonged war-preparation is morally any better than war itself; there are even reasons for thinking that it may be slightly worse. Only two or three years of it, and we may sink almost unresisting into some local variant of austro-Fascism.
• 13
Politically conscious private soldiers nearly always refer to their officers as "Fascist-minded" or "natural Fascists."
• 14
If the war's loss of life could be replaced by an increase of births in the families of those who have remained prosperous in spite of the war, or those who have become prosperous because of the war, it might, perhaps, be a good thing. And yet, to enlarge profiteering families might not be a real asset to the country!
• 15
The truth is, as was recently shown at Vera Cruz, that the marine's nerves go to pieces after three hours under fire, and that he prefers food to fighting.
• 16
...for some reason, it's acceptable to call a basketball player or war hero great, but calling a thinker or an artist the same is branded elitist. These seem to me ultimately self-defeating habits of thought.
• 17
A Government, therefore, and especially a Government entrusted with military power, is the most dangerous organization possible.
• 18
The crowd are so hypnotized that they see what is going on before their eyes, but do not understand its meaning. They see what constant care Kings, Emperors, and Presidents devote to their disciplined armies; they see the reviews, parades, and manaeuvres the rulers hold, about which they boast to one another; and the people crowd to see their own brothers, brightly dressed up in fools' clothes, turned into machines to the sound of drum and trumpet, all, at the shout of one man, making one and the same movement at one and the same moment-but they do not understand what it all means. Yet the meaning of this drilling is very clear and simple: it is nothing but a preparation for killing.
• 19
I hate this slaughter. I never desired the honors of war, and would gladly have left such glory to others...
• 20
[Only a handful of officers attempted further assistance, and they were immediately subdued. Captain Milton Wolff took harsh measures with the young commander.]
"He was a real snob," Wolff states. "He was arrogant as all hell. He wanted, and actually demanded, special treatment as apart from his men. I gave it to him. I booted his ass down the side of that hill in full view of his troops -- and I'm sure they appreciated it."
Chronology :
April 09, 2020 : Military Aristocracy -- Added.
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