
Sections (TOC) :

• 1
      51 Words; 390 Characters

• 2
      41 Words; 237 Characters

• 3
      81 Words; 487 Characters

• 4
      54 Words; 326 Characters

• 5
      59 Words; 330 Characters

• 6
      24 Words; 167 Characters

Sections (Content) :

• 1

[Paris Commune, Committee on Secular Instruction] The so-called religious dogmas are an obstacle to progress.

As opposed to natural and positive science they tend to deceive the intelligence.

Their entirely arbitrary morality is hostile to the sovereign principles of justice and solidarity.

They have consecrated all privilege and sanctioned all servitude.

• 2

...religion, which in all ages hath, of all other things, been most commonly abused: and indeed, upon what motive should it be respected by the wicked, when it has been thus violated by those who were esteemed the wisest of men?

• 3

Why, it will be asked, does the Church always seem to lean so heavily to the Right? How are we to explain the fact that, in modern times, at all events, the Catholic Church has been in almost permanent alliance with Conservative politics? Why, for example, in the political struggles of... Europe was Catholicism, by and large, the bulwark of reaction? Why do we so often find it the prop and stay of rotten monarchies, oppressive administrations and inequitable social systems?

• 4

The Church presented in Spain an insoluble problem, and when in the end the majority of the population abandoned it in despair at its political intransigeance and burned churches and killed priests in revolutionary -- I might almost say in true Catholic and filial -- anger there is surely nothing to be surprised at.

• 5

I believed in God; but when I saw so great an inequality between men, I acknowledged that it was not God who created man, but man who created God. And I discovered that those who want their property to be respected, have an interest in preaching the existence of paradise and hell, and in keeping the people in ignorance.

• 6

Workers know that every convent is a perpetual conspiracy against every principle of democracy, against all ideas of liberty, and all aspirations to progress.

Chronology :

April 13, 2020 : Privilege -- Added.

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