The State -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sections (TOC) : ---------------------------------- * 1 23 Words; 181 Characters * 2 25 Words; 176 Characters * 3 113 Words; 722 Characters * 4 146 Words; 845 Characters * 5 27 Words; 142 Characters * 6 81 Words; 463 Characters * 7 7 Words; 53 Characters * 8 13 Words; 87 Characters * 9 29 Words; 193 Characters * 10 22 Words; 130 Characters * 11 21 Words; 117 Characters * 12 13 Words; 99 Characters * 13 37 Words; 200 Characters * 14 54 Words; 284 Characters * 15 96 Words; 613 Characters * 16 39 Words; 262 Characters Sections (Content) : ---------------------------------- * 1 ...political despotism and Catholic dogma are one. [Section V: Church and State, Chapter 30: The Italian Liberals and the Lateran Treaties, by Anonymous, Page 179.] * 2 ...both law and religion have never been anything but the compulsory consecration, ideal and real, of all violence represented, guaranteed, and protected by the State. * 3 The lust for power of a few individuals originally, and of several social classes later, established slavery and conquest as the dominant principle, and implanted this terrible idea of divinity in the heart of society. Thereafter no society was viewed as feasible without these two institutions, the Church and the State, at its base. These two social scourges are defended by all their doctrinaire apologists. No sooner did these institutions appear in the world than two ruling classes -- the priests and the aristocrats -- promptly organized themselves and lost no time in indoctrinating the enslaved people with the idea of the utility, indispensability, and sacredness of the Church and of the State. * 4 Is it not remarkable to find so close a correspondence between theology, that science of the Church, and politics, that science of the State; to find this concurrence of two orders of ideas and of realities, outwardly so opposed, nevertheless holding the same conviction: that human liberty must be destroyed if men are to be moral, if they are to be transformed into saints (for the Church) or into virtuous citizens (for the State)? Yet we are not at all surprised by this peculiar harmony, since we are convinced, and shall try to prove, that politics and theology are two sisters issuing from the same source and pursuing the same ends under different names; and that every state is a terrestrial church, just as every church, with its own heaven, the dwelling place of the blessed and of the immortal God, is but a celestial state. * 5 The old idea was that the people were the wards of king and priest -- that their bodies belonged to one and their souls to the other. * 6 You might as well have a government united by force with Art, or with Poetry, or with Oratory, as with Religion. Religion should have the influence upon mankind that its goodness, that its morality, its justice, its charity, its reason, and its argument give it, and no more. Religion should have the effect upon mankind that it necessarily has, and no more. The religion that has to be supported by law is without value, not only, but a fraud and curse. * 7 ...the church is the Fascists' key fortress. * 8 ...when Cesar got the means to destroy the world, wasn't he already divinized? * 9 ...we begin to find the old encroachments coming on by little and little upon our consciences, which must necessarily proceed from king and bishop united inseparably in one interest... * 10 is unlawful for the civil magistrate to use force in matters of religion... as a civil magistrate he hath no right. * 11 And as with freedom, so with religion one may truly exclaim, 'O God, what crimes are committed in thy name!' * 12 ...Stupidity and Ignorance and Slavery are the foundations of Church, State, and Business. * 13 These fight for the faith of the Church, he for the faith of the state, or the moral laws of the state; for articles of faith, both condemn him who acts otherwise than their faith will allow. * 14 Instead of taking me as I am, one looks solely at my property, my qualities, and enters into marriage bonds with me only for the sake of my -- possessions; one marries, as it were, what I have, not what I am. The Christian takes hold of my spirit, the liberal of my humanity. * 15 ...the intervention of Government in matters of faith produces that most harmful and therefore worst of vises, hypocrisy... the interference of Government in matters of faith hinders each individual and the whole people from attaining that highest blessing union with one another. For union is attained, not by the forcible and impossible retention of all men in the bonds of one and the same external, once-accepted, confession of a religious teaching to which infallibility is attributed, but only by the free advance of the whole of humanity towards truth, which alone, therefore, can truly unite men. * 16 These men have treated each other -- the gospel in one hand and the sword in the other; preaching disinterestedness and accumulating treasures, praising humility and walking on the heads of prostrate princes, recommending mercy and shedding human blood. Events : ---------------------------------- The State -- Added : April 13, 2020 About This Textfile : ---------------------------------- Text file generated from :