Sections (TOC) :
• 1
35 Words; 209 Characters
• 2
121 Words; 722 Characters
• 3
36 Words; 225 Characters
• 4
33 Words; 223 Characters
• 5
49 Words; 351 Characters
• 6
83 Words; 467 Characters
Sections (Content) :
• 1
We ask the United States to make terms with Progress, with human needs, in fact with Civilization, and no greater service can be rendered to society than to break the chains of woman's sex subjection.
• 2
A new day is dawning. A new civilization is in the making. Ignorance of sex force--creative energy--already has given way to knowledge and enlightenment. Parenthood, when it is responsible, can be a proud commission, an honored assignment. Birth Control information should be the right of every adult man and woman. It should be their privilege to go to the medical profession to obtain the proper suitable methods for prevention of conception. It should be the woman's right to have knowledge, not because she is sick, diseased, or poor, but because as a woman whose body must be used in the creating and incubating of the new life, she should be given the right of choice, and time, consistent with her desires.
• 3
We are trying to raise the standard and heighten the sacredness of human life, promote the well-being and happiness of humanity, and to intelligently solve some of the most difficult and urgent problems of our times.
• 4
Like every other great instrument of civilization, birth control is making men and women face a new responsibility, and forcing their intelligence to the solution of problems they had for ages deliberately avoided.
• 5
...we are sharing in that great communal parenthood that is far more fundamental than the selfish, egocentric parenthood which despite its endless activity and its incessant proliferation, remains infinitely insignificant as a contributive source to true civilization. In teaching birth control, we are the active agents of true civilization.
• 6
The weapon of Birth Control would place into the hands of all women the power to decide -- to make the important choice. It would -- indeed it already has -- raised Motherhood to a position of the greatest responsibility. We are now in a position to hold every woman to a strict accountability for the children she brings into this world. Women must now realize that they are bringing men and women into the world -- not merely babies to sentimentalize over.
Chronology :
April 13, 2020 : Civilization -- Added.
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